
I hate Donna's recaps and the very concept of recaps and this episode merits an A+ honor's course credit.

Don't be ashamed to cry at art, please. You're giving America a headache. And you sound like a bourgeois tool from another century.

People know that charities are still accepting donations, right?

Movies suck.

Oh, you sweet, sweet country boy. Our every waking moment reaches for purpose. Just because cynical misanthropes like you rule the world and are sucking us into oblivion doesn't mean that some of us aren't trying to rebuild what little spirit remains.

This corporate marketing babble is evil, evil, evil, evil, evil shit. They're sucking the last drops of meaning out of the only language we have left to point towards something truly holy. Once this corpoid babble sinks deep enough into our way of life, once it's added to the thousand pounds of unseen habit, it will

No he isn't.

Anyone who didn't kill themselves upon hearing that corporate babble should kill themselves for not killing themselves.

You're misinformed bro.

You're 100% right. Marijuana smoke does not stick. Complete horseshit. Completely different from cigarette smoke. Daniel Patrick Roche is an idiot.

Simple myths were once progressive. Now they are regressive. History moves. That's why it's history.

No one cares. Only Conan, because he's old.

Yeah, the toilet thing was stupid. But the nutbag libertarian and the old lady and the scene in the old people's home were all perfect comedically and tonally.

Absolutely hilarious episode. And the ending, with Mike… holy fuck… I could care less that there wasn't a strong structure… Just a great collection of scenes. I can't wait for next week. Mike!!!

Ugh. We are up to our necks in blood. Paying a dime of your taxes is worse than personally strangling and eating a thousand puppies/elephants/chimps. And human suffering is much, much worse than animal suffering because we have extremely robust self-consciousness, so our pain ricochets and is amplified through a hall

Question: did the Secret Service agents accompanying Leslie and Ben at Garry's funeral suggest that Leslie becomes President?

Which is creepier, Bronies or adults who watch professional wrestling?

I still go with season 2 as the clear peak.

Play at the same time as the kids playing Zeppelin. AVClub Synergy.

No shit that has to be the third act. The point is that they need a different first and second act: that's the problem with the third act. And just because something was progressive 3000 years ago, doesn't mean it's still progressive.