
They're good for what they are, which is another way of saying 'not good'.

You're dumb. There! But you are more tolerable than serious Hollywood films, so at least you have that.

Ugh, Inside Job. I told my parents to watch that movie and they didn't understand a word of it and were pissed that I recommended it, despite being sympathetic to the politics. "Too complicated." I WAS BEING NICE GIVING YOU A DOCUMENTARY TO WATCH, YOU SHOULD BE READING A FUCKING BOOK.

Because correspondents often use the position as a stepping stone to greater success and it's getting embarrassing that that hasn't happened for himself so he's taking any opportunity he can to try and leave with some dignity before they take him out back and put him down like Old Yeller?

Norm's Rod Sterling would be on there. And holy fuck was it great to see that Norm is still at the absolute top of his game. He killed doing Burt again. He is so fucking good. WHERE'S TEH PODCAST?????

If you're writing lyrical music, then yes, lyrics matter………..


Or the Beatles were indeed "painfully stupid." Some of their absurdist moments have some lyrical poignancy, but come on, they never truly escaped their boy band origins. If Bob Dylan has to tell you your lyrics are stupid, and you're already halfway into your career, and you hadn't realized it yet, chances are that

Does everyone in ABQ have bright red car opener things?

For those of us interested in movies as art, "mimic" isn't good enough. If there is a difference between 35mm film and digital video, ANY DIFFERENCE, then that means that they are DIFFERENT. Art is art because every feature matters. That's the whole fucking point. THE DETAILS MATTER. Holy fuck. Is nothing sacred

yeah but aren't all ghosts white?

Easy buddy. Waking Life features Robert Solomon giving a lecture on the continued importance of early 20th century French philosophy in the face of the po-mo-crack-pipe-smoking later 20th century French philosophy. Pop culture rarely gets this sophisticated. Does it help that the film's dream structure ends up

Tyson is fucking lame as fuck. "LOL philosophy, what! Like where's the progress and the results bro?!" he asks, not knowing what philosophy is, not knowing what the distinction between a human subject reflecting on itself and a human subject reflecting on objects in the world is. A complete and utter ignoramus, and

Art is a crazy thing. It works by bringing to life that which its want to kill. In order to create a glimpse of something beyond our world as it is right now, in order to see the transcendent, you must first get on top of what the world is like now. And part of what the world is like right now is people being

All these "listen to this track!" just have to be paid for advertisements. Never listen to them, avoid clicking on the links. Let's drown AVClub once and for all, and feel God's boner slowly fill itself with holy blood.

Theory: people who think Von Trier is misogynistic are themselves misogynistic.

That's more apt of a comment than you may be aware. The circle appears prominently in all of the Coen's early films (back when their production company was called Circle Productions), and is a product of them trying to come to terms with making Myths in a modern world that no longer has the consolation of myth (death

That's there to convince the adults its okay to watch kid's entertainment and pretend it has Meaning.

Your pronouncements were unsubtle, even you would agree with me on that.

In comparison to you, yes. In comparison to most of pop, yes. In comparison to world literature and philosophy, he is a crude misshapen abortion.