
Wasn't it Nietzsche who said that subtlety in taste is life's greatest reward? Too bad for you. :(

And this is why we must give props to Bill Maher. At least he pretends to pretend to not mind the distance between him and his audience. Serious props to him for doing the "I don't care that I'm not likeable which is my way of being liked". We have a shade of improvement, at least in that category!

He's gotta prove he's not above you! He's just a silly lowdown scumfuck like all the rest of us! Relax everyone! This is entertainment and fun! Relax! Relax! Relax! We're cool! Relax! Nothing serious here! We're cool! Relax!

Yes, the feminist dream of a woman who can be just as violent as all the men.

She likely had a history of sexual abuse before Cosby. Victimizers find victims. She didn't have the strength to come out publicly and tell her story. She was a kid. So, in order to keep the story going, she reluctantly went down the same path, hesitating at every turn, but still taking every turn.

When will the nihilists put down their masks made of sugar and just fucking kill Uncle Fink? Doesn't his blood taste better without all the torture?

Or some people are smarter than you and you're unwilling to admit this. Let's not discount that possibility. Keep the future open bro.

LOL remember that guy who tried to think that one time and was like totally not good at it? Haha, thinking is so stupid. The only sort of thinking I like to think about is that thinking which justifies what I already think. LOL.

The cold and certain yes or no of the marketplace replaced by the ambiguity of real life that Tony spent his life avoiding. Not that hard to figure out, and I don't appreciate all the stupid jokes where you end your comm

Here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, and little bit in there, then a bit in there and there and there and there and there and there, then once up there, twice in the ass, once up top, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Oh! There too. And yes, I am sad about it. Now, show me

He writes "literature" — not books — so he MUST have picked up on it.

Hey guy pretending to be an executive and worrying about their corporate babble about ratings — just pay attention to the shows as shows, please don't play their game. I get it, it's show business, the business part interests some people, but please, not in public, where people can hear you.

Nah, we didn't really kill him, just scared him. But I'm sure he had already been having a huge internal guilt trip from watching a rated R movie that he wasn't supposed to watch… so when the big scare came, he couldn't wet himself and call his Super Mormon Mom to come pick him up from the sleepover, like a good

We watched Scream, waited for the Mormon boy to go to sleep, dressed one of us up in full Scream mask and black cloak, got a knife from the kitchen, then… that poor little Mormon boy…

Being inchoate is one of the deepest parts of being human. This is the difference between great art and mediocre art: mystery, deep, deep mystery. Have fun with your coloring books, I'll be over here being a hero.

Nah, nah, but you probably don't have a soul, so my example still works.

That these templates can be applied to anything is not a point in their favor, it makes them meaningless truisms that, when taken seriously, tend to stultify narrative filmmaking. Yes, all stories have similar beats, that is the objective half of the story — but stories only become deeply interesting when they are

Some of us can use our brains and our emotions at the same time! Whoa! The life of the mind!

Next week, a supercut of every time Bill Murray enters a beige colored room in his movies! You'll be shocked!

Next week, a supercut of every time Bruce Willis blinks in Die Hard! Just cuz!