
Oh my fucking CHRIST. Quantifications of intelligence require having an opinion on WHAT intelligence is, and anyone who thinks the ACT/SAT/IQ/anycookiecuttertest is anything other than a practical crutch to help decide where to place people in the economic order is OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MIND STUPID. Give me your

You seem fun, which is exactly why I'm not fun.

Keep these stories to yourself please. I know you're trying to distance yourself from those who are barely more than a body, but you aren't doing too swell. Silence is the best method — not repression though, stay away from that. Thoughtful silence.

Good, the non-elite should not try to be elite, leave that for those who don't hem and haw about being elite, i.e. the elite.

Yes, but I don't talk about it in the comments, because I have some decency about me. Unless this bare, lazy negation of something that annoys me counts as a further instantiation of that which annoys me. Fuck.

Howard Stern has seen through the paper tiger for years.

Uhh I think yelling n—ger a few times will clear it up pretty quick, not too hard. You could make Big Bird into a monster with one word, not too hard.

Yes, I see the spiritual crisis of late modernity and am thus trying to create new values for a future that is not yet here, I don't doubt it seems weird to you with your fifty mirrors.

No, we are all children, some of us are working hard to overcome it.

Eh, it was okay, at least it was well-constructed formally. I cried a bit at the end. I am vulnerable. There was a very old couple in front of me, the sort where the husband explains loudly and sweetly the things that are going on in the movie to his wife, and when it was revealed that the dude was going to open the

All enjoyment of children's entertainment by non-children is deviant, it's just a matter of degrees, and I can't imagine anything lower than My Little Pony. And yes, all pop is for kids.

Oooh, thank you, and thank you for not recommending Hank Jr. I knew a cover of "All My Rowdy Friends" that was great, but tried Hank Jr. himself and thought it was over-produced crap. These are exciting.

God Galaxy was so bad. Utter nihilism pretending to be heart. The dancing payoff in the climax was a completely instrumental use of dancing… nice! Making the useless fun of dancing into something utilitarian… way to completely undercut the message you were going for! When everyone in your movie is Han Solo, how deep

Nihilism! Fuck me. Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos.

It's only ridiculous if you think there isn't a shred of objectivity in art, i.e. someone who hasn't thought hard about art. These are wildly confused young men with serious sexual issues.

Avengers was way better than fucking Galaxy, because its humor was humorous. Galaxy's humor was paper thin silliness and cynicism-as-joke. But, yeah, Galaxy had a more compelling story and universe… still, this is shitty comic book movies, make me laugh brah.

Country album recommendations now, please. I fucking love Waylon and Willie but they have so many albums that it is overwhelming. Give me drop dead classics, someone, anyone.

Yessss… my favorite Fleetwood Mac song is "Emerald Eyes"…. I can listen to that fucker over and over… and I'm not that in the loop on the band…

Clearly, anything counts.

I knew about 5 of the examples listed here and they were all complete horseshit. These are not incongruous… what makes the Clap Your Hands one different? It seems like a totally consistent opening… yes, it's more stripped down, but it's an introduction… the same yelpy voice is there and crazy lyrics and the same exact