
Wish granted.

Oh boy, no. I need to learn how to write then.

If I get 13 upvotes, I'll explain what meta means in a succinct fashion.

Colonialism was the requirement for early capital to get its legs. And slavery… free work… come on, let's at least have an argument if we are going to argue.

Economic tools of oppression at heart. That's the mover. Read more, and learn what the words 'most important' mean. Then figure out the value of polemical writing.

Maybe if those wealthy kids actually watched and paid attention to the classics then we would get a movie without pretension and without superheroes. A dream!

The most important type of "diversity" is class. Who gives a fuck about race and gender and sexual identity. Our society sees green before it sees anything else. Understand class divisions and all the rest will follow. What, you think poor black people sit around resenting you for your pasty white face? It's what's in

Glad to see our nation's film schools are focusing on the important stuff! A talk with the great Charles Roven! What a nab! Fuck you Potemkin!

Causal explanations aren't very explanatory when it comes to humans. Muslims make the choice to remain Muslims each and every morning, just as I make the choice to not kill myself at each and every moment. The possibility is always open, no matter how dire the social and psychological consequences on those whom I love

Why did they agree to do 22 episodes? What utter pussies / money grubbing whores. Tell Comedy Central to fuck off with their bags of money, keep the quality high. They had all the power in the world post the first two seasons. I get it, it's a job to them, they are just doing pop, it's a lot of money that can go to

The interstitial car ride interactions suck. They appear to be scripted versions of real conversations that the two of them had that are trying really hard to come across as something that is as loose and easy as a real conversation, thus justifying their meandering, half-assed, somewhat pointless nature. But you can

Turn off your fucking phone if you want me to take your opinion seriously. Sheep-like perma-distracted motherfucka.

Red Shoe Diaries, by far.

Riiiight on.

Aw shoot.

This could easily work. Give me 20 minutes of no other people and that would satisfy me, maybe the whole pilot, if we're lucky. It's a great world to take off from.

What a jerk.

Or because it will be very interesting to see how he can continue the premise and structure of the show post-apocalypse? And money too, sure, but everything is "money" brah.

Yes, very, very underrated. It does nothing new in terms of content, but this is the first T.V. comedy to have perfect form. It's exactly what Harmon tried to do with season 3 of Community, except it fucking nails it in every aspect. Watch again, take stick out.

Murder is worse than rape by a thousand degrees, and yet we find it easier to joke about. Perhaps it's because rape is more of an everyday evil and thus we are more sensitive and think this sensitivity might make a cultural change? Culture is complex.