
Great in the sense of not great?

okay I guess we're not doing Paul Walker jokes? He's some sort of hero now? Fine. Deleted.

Except an idiot did do it.

Anyone who doesn't download everything for free is a part of the problem. Starve the beast, and stop being a moralistic twit. The artists are fine. And you handing money over to their corporate overlords is not going to help them. If you're so worried about the artists, then find their P.O. box mail address and send

LOVE the Dong. What's wrong with you people? He is hilarious. And who the fuck is Randy? Is that the Dad? I hate the Dad.

Spinoza? Why? Are you misguided or thorough or just trying to exercise your brain?

No such thing as secular! Oh boy.

That amount of self-delusion is sad. Empathy, folks. It's the key to drama. This isn't professional wrestling. And speaking of empathy, how sad are all of you?

I just assumed so (no idea how Gilligan made me do that). Such a great little nod at the dark underground that is slowly bubbling up into the reality of Saul's life.

I think the references are way over done. It's a lazy, trope-y, Gilligan-y way to get that 'particular' into your dialogue so as to ground it. I mean, it works okay because that has been established as how the Saul character talks, but I feel like it's everywhere in the dialogue. Not saying it doesn't work or isn't

I want them to talk about the show and stop blowing each other and getting their cumshots all over my face.

Criticality is not a magic faculty that only becomes justified when it engages with monetized items. "Oh that book's copyright has expired and can now be downloaded for free. No more criticism!" Get your head out of your ass, capitalist scumfuck.

Minima Acoustica, by Adorno the Whale.

I listen to that podcast. Can someone please tell them that the constant stream of congratulating their co-workers on how awesome they are at their jobs makes the viewers want to kill themselves? It's fucking horrendous. It's clear that Vince Gilligan brings a list of the actors names into each podcast, just so he can

Six years! That's such a relief to hear. I am maybe six months into mine, and I already feel like I must be no good since it isn't finished yet and keeps changing. And thanks for the recommendation, I will keep it in mind.

Good luck. I'm writing my first script too. It is hard.

What's my settlement for having to hear it?

1) Stacey is mad that he is a murder.
2) No idea.

You're acting as if these awards are based on merit. Don't do that. It gives them legitimacy.

Got a loud guffaw out of me, louder than any of Saul's hilarious lines in this episode, so I guess the review was good for something.