
Or you could just download it, ya puss. "Oh no let's be respectful to corporations and their copyrights!" Yawn. Any artist that's on T.V. is already paid too much anyways and always will be. Yawn. And you won't get caught, ya puss. Yawn.

Silverman is a God. That fucking confidence… that was a real audience member, no actor is that good… she owned so hard…

Darker than the Big Lebowski? That's utterly impossible. The Dude is the man of constant sorrow, with some serious, serious daddy issues. He is stuck in a continuous po-mo ahistorical loop ("you know, for kids!", "unless circles are funny", "roll-top desk!", etc.). Re-examine the relationship between Arthur Digby

Margaret, Margaret, Margaret, Margaret. Margaret. Margaret, Margaret, Margaret. She was good in Margaret.

2001: A Space Odyssey is Intelligent Design The Movie, though this may well be a sequel, never saw it.

Snob? Don't be ridiculous. Of course pop music isn't high art. You point out the reasons quite well. They are completely different traditions of art; one is highly developed and reached the peaks of what human consciousness is capable of attaining, and the other can be done with peak excellence by a 15 year old in his

Unquestioned? No. Shit is terrible. Condescending "message" book with the Saintly All-American Father, fuck that shit. Youthful fantasy nostalgia pretending to talk about the fact that the world is burning while instead painting over it with Moral Lessons that your dim witted aunt can nod along to in easy agreement

Fine, fine, you want the truth! You're not an angry black woman! You're a no talented hack tapdancing to the apocalypse and cheering on the neo-liberal economy! I was trying to compliment you! Fine!

LOL self-consc. about late capital is tots naive

You are CONSCIOUS of your schaudenfreude and still enjoying it? Wow, that says a lot about your social world, and your inability to rise above it. Yikes. If only one could hug another on the Internet.

You made explicit that hidden but there connection between Cheri Oteri and Rachel Dratch, good work. Now, tell me, who exactly is Chris Kattan?

At least he's calling suicide a decision. His nuttiness is a bad reaction to our society's inability to think through suicide. It's a decision made by a human being. Depressed people, even clinically depressed people, are indeed human beings. And if the depressed human has children and is not terminally ill and has

No, there are other non-evil people that exist, stop being so cynical.

No, it's actually a fantastic song with a very good set of lyrics.

Someone transcended their world of confusing interpersonal relationships to find some sort of clarity, meaning, understanding, a 'sign'.

Still better than True Detective.

Is it a bad sign that I felt that I could watch this episode on mute, out of the corner of my eye, while simultaneously watching a Sarah Silverman interview on YouTube? Good episode though!

Korbie, I'm sad, you didn't respond to the content of my response about your snarky 'criticism 101' joke. Yet you are luxuriating in all those beautiful upvotes! I feel that if you don't confront this unpleasant contradiction your emotional life will suffer for it in the future. Please!

Haha, what about a response to my point about the conservatism of science's theoretical framework and its complete shunning of speculation in favor of hypothesis mongering.

All I would need to do to guess the defining philosophy of the show is to hear someone say "gritty intelligent drama made in the year 2014 by someone who is influenced by Nietzsche but is making pop culture". That would be plenty of information. I love how everyone thinks that these rehashed pop shitfests are unique