
Psss, science has no idea what it is doing, it is a fact vacuum which keeps its theorizing as conservative as possible. All speculation is reduced to the just the barest hint of a hypothesis. It is very shitty theory. Effective! But shitty. See social sciences, see breakdown of our conceptual understanding of physics

No, I was cleverly alluding to Aristophanes' description of philosophers that you repeated, thus indicating that this argument has been made before, and that there is a long history of responses to it that you are clearly not aware of.

Ooh, a fact man! No wonder you're having such a terrible time talking theory.

Boom! Aristophanes reborn but this time without the wit!

1. Who says you have to agree with me?

Ah yes, the newest way to retreat from the points a person makes, call them a name! Beautiful!

Okay, philosophy quiz, me and you, let's go! Come on Dad!

You heard me. Nothing is in a vacuum. Good art is an image of a conceptual understanding of the world. Therefore it is constrained by the world, and by the proper concept of it. Get with the picture BRAH

I am cackling on this side, this is the most fun I've had in weeks.

Ooh anti-intellectual! I love these guys. Just cutting words out of the dictionary! Go for it!

That's another ad hominem from you! Did I touch a nerve?!

A show can be about whatever it wants to be about, but if it chooses the wrong topic, I will laugh and laugh at them. No art is outside of society, therefore not all artistic projects are equally as worthy. This one is a joke.

Who says that Criticism 101 is right? I don't think you are struggling very hard with the fundamental aporia of education: who will teach the teachers?

Philosophy is the conceptual understanding of self in society. Every show has assumptions about the world. This show's assumptions are blaring at you, which one picks up if one has read the books this guy has read.

The world is not shaped by despair! It's just him being a whiner! Grow up Rust! What a profound comment on the self in society. It's almost as if there is not an ounce of dialectical tension between the existential misery and the societal misery. Shock!

I only needed to see the way my friend's eyes opened up in amazement at the nihilism rant and how I "just had to see this show." And when questioned, "no, no, of course it's silly, but it's pretty cool, just watch."

If it wants to talk about our lives in this society it does. Which this show is trying to do. Nice try though.

Let me slow down.

Summoning false misery that works on an emotional level with the viewer because of real misery, only to later reveal that that the false misery was false and misguided and therefore redeemable, perfect! That doesn't do anything to paint over the real misery of the world! Bra!

Oh, I see, so the creator doesn't like this Ligotti guy afterall? Or the "pessimist" Nietzsche? Or Schopenhauer? He just uses these authors as punching bags? Something for young teens to fondle themselves with?