
bah, so untrusting. give capital a chance to redeem itself. this is all set up for a miscarriage.

She's our Lucille Ball isn't she? I think she is.

It's called 'watching the show do something new.' Yes, it feels weird at first, but give it time. Growth is awkward at the start. Some people are scared of change and their whole being seizes up into a contraction of its former self, picking and nibbling at the corners and the details. Not me. I'm cool. Can't you be

I want the Colbert Report to end NOW, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, because it's still perfect. Nine years is enough, try something new. Are you an artist or what Colbert? If you're not stretching, you're dying. "There must be much bitter dying in you, you creators" Nz.

Well, now I know. Thank you AVClub for bringing attention to this. Comedy Central appreciates it. Who knew their banal press release of a banal product could actually get attention for its banality? Luckily, the zingers and ironies were so penetrating of the wider context that it totally made up for being a further

I was so shocked by the Idiots that I didn't absorb any part of it. I should rewatch.

Yeah, this hurts my head so much. This is the guy who made Dancer in the Dark immediately after he made Breaking the Waves. You have to be hyper self-aware to be daring enough to basically remake your own movie as your next movie. Especially when the angle of the two movies is hyper-sexist to those without a brain. I

I have seen the second half. It's good.

In all of these 'you forgot to mention' comments, you all forgot to mention the absence of The Thermals. Or are we calling them indie pop punk because they use the 'simple lyrics' thang to speak about 'big' topics rather than teenage stuff? Or has someone decided they suck and no one told me?

Nah, I'm chill with my contingency, or rather, I'm chill with not being chill with my necessary contingency.

Okay buddy, but when you choose to upload yourself onto a computer, and turn yourself into a simulation of an eternally orgasming clam, which is where all this is going, and I choose to live and die a human life, I'm gonna be happily justified in my superiority. Luddite? No, just trying to hang on to whatever scraps

Consciousness ain't a computer. Poor Kurzweil, trying to purge the negative from his life. Doesn't he know that we have to be our being? Or is it customary for scientists to arrogantly skip out on philosophy classes these days and ignore the hard problems? Illiterate fucks with big calculators.

"And it's a beautiful day." Marge Gunderson quote. Last beat of the film. Not misanthropic.

you nicely articulated literally every single thing i felt about @Eshuster:disqus's post. i now have a crush on cecily.

Humans searching for connection is in the Zeitgeist guys!! Newsflash!!

"…Riverside, California, a town that rises out of the desert like a mirage of empty promises." I'm going to write this down and put it in my wallet, so it can be my little in-case-of-emergency cyanide tablet. If caught in terrible situation where you'd rather die cringing than continue to live, read this sentence

I'm sorry Morty. It's a bummer. In reality, you're as dumb as they come. And I needed those seeds real bad and I had to give them up just to get your parents off my back. So now we're gonna have to go get more, and then we're gonna go on even more adventures after that Morty. And you're gonna keep your mouth shut

Fucking brilliant and hilarious. Too many things to mention. Amazing cold open, and genuine pathos created at the end with the "Rick and Morty vs. the world" lines, and the hilarious nod to the double use of the name repetition with the references to rickandmorty.com.

just respond with an "lol" next time please. that way we are all more clear about how little you have to say and o'neal doesn't get his cock specifically slobbered on anymore.

Ah, we got a Kantian here! I knew they were still around!