
Fraction's run is OK. He tries a little to hard to be clever, but the stories were pretty good, except when he was also forced to incorporate all of Marvel's events. Also, for someone who seems so interested in Emma Frost, he really does not actually seem to understand her character.


Unlimited is great. There's so much good stuff that's out of print, and so much terrible stuff that you wouldn't want to waste money on.

Oof. Well, hopefully you'll have more luck with it than I did.

New X-men by Grant Morrison, famous X-men run
Astonishing X-men by Joss Whedon, another famous X-men run
X-Force/X-statix by Peter Milligan, satiric superhero series
Nextwave, Agents of HATEby Warren Ellis, superhero parody series
Patsy Walker Hellcat by Kathryn Immonen, miniseries
Dr. Strange: The Oath by Brian K Vaughn,

Ah, ok. That makes perfect sense - chimps are pretty vicious and territorial. I wonder if bonobos will show up as hippies?

Howard the Duck 1-16: Marvel's releasing a new Howard book, so I went ahead and read Steve Gerber's original run. It's very weird, and interesting as a time capsule, but not actually interesting. It's a pretty good parody of 70s superhero, but is also completely unfunny, and the undertone of bestiality made me

Yeah, I'm not sure what the point was drawing the characters as primates is either. Are there other animals in this world, and do they act differently based on what they are?

Nobody said anything because by the time they picked their jaws up off the floor, looked around, and then whisperingly confirmed with their neighbor that they really had just heard what they thought they heard, the moment had passed, and they couldn’t say anything without bringing attention to themselves and possibly

Oh, thought of something else - don't read the original X-men run. It's really not good, especially compared to Fantastic Four. Start with the 1975 Giant Size X-men by Wein and Cockrum which kickstarted the X-men revival and Claremont's run.

X-men thoughts:

His dialogue is repetitive, and his characters don’t have
singular voices – sometimes it seems like you could randomly switch word balloons around and it wouldn’t matter. He also tends to have characters’ dialogue drop out and have them talk over each other, which may be true to real life, but is obnoxious to read.

Bendis does better on single character books, because the annoying dialogue traits aren’t as prevalent, and on his own books, because disregarding of continuity doesn’t really exist.

Well, if Extremis costs $99/day to implement, he's not really making much money. But your final point still stands.

Your interested in coloring, aren't you? Think of it as a chance to do an in-depth comparison of the original coloring versus the reprint.

Ha, true. But Amazon is also showing the Priest collection as paperbacks.

Bleeding cool says Black Panther will be TPBs.

In exciting omnibus news, Marvel is releasing an Annihilation:Conquest omnibus next summer. I've been debating purchasing the Annhilation omnibus in order to get started on the cosmic stuff, so this announcement persuaded me to purchase both of them. Now I just hope the volumes are the same size and have similar

Do you have a full-time job and/or small children? When your free-time becomes constrained, it gets harder to plow through something you're not really enjoying.

It's a decent short story stretched out to novel length. And it ends…poorly.