
So, they were each other's beards? I suppose that makes sense.

I'm still confused as to how the hell that marriage happened.

There was no evidence presented in court and no cross examinations - Dre plead out. Now maybe the prosecutor offered the plea because the case was weak (or because Dre had an army of expensive lawyers representing him), but if you're going to cast aspersions on the victim, at least cast the right aspersions.

Was it because they tastelessly blew up a bus full of children, in a ham-handed attempt to ramp up the stakes?

If it had been canceled at the end of Terry Moore's run, I would agree with you. I thought Kathryn Immonen was making a decent attempt at turning the book around.

Heh, the same thing happened to me. I was already getting a bit tired of Bendis, and the Echo interruption just killed the momentum of the series for me. I never bothered to pick Daredevil back up (and I'm really tired of Bendis now, so I probably never will).

I'm pretty sure that Star Wars issue was included in Loot Crate, which inflated the numbers.

It makes total sense from Netanyahu's perspective - antagonizing the Palestinians and appeasing settlement hardliners are key components to keeping his coalition together and his party in power. Israel has never really depended on Europe, and he's betting the US will never actually follow through and cut aid.

I'm not much of a DC reader, but I want to say that's the 90s XTREME version of Aquaman.

The text of the review makes Hero sound interesting, but I don't care for the art in those pages. The coloring is especially unpleasant.

Karma, Hellion, and No-Girl are all amputees with various levels of technology aiding them. They aren't major players (to put it mildly) but there have been moments and stories about how they deal with the loss and ongoing conditions.

…a young black man, in the death of a white female…

The Martian was sort of interesting as a field manual of what to do if you just happen to be spaceshipwrecked on another planet, but it was a terribly written novel. The first person narration was nonsensical (who exactly is he leaving these logs for? NASA? Then why is he explaining basic concepts?), the multiple

Ross's work is infamous for looking oddly shiny and sweaty, and for being static in a genre that is generally enhanced by art with a lot of motion.

If I remember the AV Club review of sequel correctly, the book basically begins with the guy literally fleeing his apartment and booking it to his buddy's house after being told that his wife is pregnant - but then book tries to suggest that the wife is the unreasonable one? Yikes.

It sounds horrifying, because where exactly did they get that healthy child's body from?

I was really disappointed as a child, because our house wasn't located near an incredibly dangerous junkyard where I could build an awesome hidden clubhouse that you could only access by crawling through a large pile of abandoned cars.

New characters are introduced all the time in X-books. They're just immediately ignored by other writers.

Nothing. Decimation came after Morrison, but it adversely affected the subsequent runs. It technically occurred in the middle of Whedon's run, but Whedon never really touched on it.

True. But since no one really cares about the Inhumans despite all of Marvel's efforts, they've just decided to just stick them into every other book.