The Clown Under Your Bed

Martial law? He can't even find enough sycophants to fill all the top government positions.

It's the thought that counts.

Sorry, I thought you asked if it was "right" to out these scumsuckers.
Re-reading your post, I now realize you asked if it was "fair."
Yes. Yes it is fair. I believe that people who march in Black Lives Matter or Planned Parenthood marches should be celebrated for their courage and desire to make this a better country.

This looks like the old Almost Live "High Fivin' White Guys*" sketches gone terribly, terribly wrong.
*Fun Fact: Bill Nye was a member of the "High Fivin' White Guys."

I have a "Clown White" issue. Do you know how hard it is to get that stuff out of someone's ear?
Especially with these gloves on?

This isn't about free speech. Making fun of these dickwads isn't interfering with their First Amendment rights in any way.
This is about privacy.
In this day and age, if you band together and march for whatever reason, chances are very good that you will get photographed. And you might end up on some Internet site

A dear friend of mine moved from Washington State to Louisiana to work in the library. Somehow she's become an ardent defender of keeping Confederate statues in place.
We were arguing about Robert E. Lee. I said: "Never mind that he was a traitor and wanted to destroy the United States so he and his buddies could keep

Wait, what? I grew up in Michigan, and I've been seeing Red Wings logos on the back of trucks out here in Washington State.
You're telling me that some of those people aren't Red Wings fans?
On the one hand, I'm glad I don't go many places on the Internet. On the other hand, I'm way out of the loop on these things.

Two? I can fit a lot more than two under your bed.
Thank you. We like it here. And while I feed off your nightmares, I assure you. It's nothing personal. I'm just that kind of clown.
Your clown.

So did a lot of Germans.

I know! A Good Good Job Internet!

Dear Lauren Duca:
While working at the front desk of my library, I read your post and burst out laughing. My boss (and not a few patrons) stared at me.
You're doing God's work. Thank you for the funniest thing I will read today.

Ready Player One was the Dawes of its day.

I hated E.T. when I saw it in the theater, and I've had no desire to ever suffer through it again.

It's a good cop/bad cop situation, with Donnie Dumbshit as the crazy psycho bad cop.
And the rest of the world as the good cop.

This reminds me of that horrible movie about the soulful, deep sufferings of a talentless young man who wants to be a writer while living off daddy's money in Paris.

Just started volume 5 of "Mary Perkins on Stage," by the amazing Leonard Starr.
And I sent in a request for the Marvel Monsterbus volumes I & 2 at my library.
I can't do much fun reading these days. I'm studying for my Commercial Driver's License. There's a bookmobile driver position in California that I really want.

"Let's get this bucket movin', Race!"

I'm wondering if maybe he wasn't lying. One of his many cringing toadies probably told him: "The Boy Scouts called to apologize while they were changing your, ah, your Dep-I mean, while you were in a meeting. They said they're sorry and you're the greatest president who ever lived even better than Jesus."

I just use feculent: adj. foul with impurities; of or containing dirt, sediment, or waste matter.