
Yeah, he also mentioned that it was next to a bar called the "[Something, I was drunk] Clam"

Ok, so don't watch all of season two?

Thanks Guys! I'll start on Netflix. I just realized I freaking cancelled Showtime last week. But I can get it back after I watch the Original Series.

I would say Ed Chen, then Richard.

I haven't read a single comment or word of this article because I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I just have a quick question: I have never seen Twin Peaks, not one episode. I've always felt like it would be my kind of thing, I just never got around to it.

I was going to say the same thing.

Yeah, people who post on a website devoted to television and pop culture probably had no idea who the architect of the ascent of Fox News was…

Your Fat, grotesque, hero is dead.

your hero is dead.

Trigger Warning!

We're just playing the game that he created.

We're just telling it like it is and bucking the PC establishment!

They're literally raiding a GOP fundraising office right now.

1) The President of the United States ofAmerica is getting subtweeted by the Dictionary. This is the world in which we live. This is real life.

The only one recently has been My Favorite Murder. I was super into it originally, but then I realized…I don't know, I don't think I like Karen and Georgia. Which is weird, I *really* like it when they guest on other shows, but I can't stand them on their own show.

Does it matter if they only produce 500 consoles total worldwide?

Is Zentipede a real thing? I assumed it was made up.

I don't Patreon anything, but I'm a $10/mo MaxFun subscriber.

These reviews have really gotten me to pay attention to the cinematography of this show, I'm not super good at it but did anyone else notice when Jimmy was casing the bag guy, the shot was Gus in the background sweeping up over his right shoulder and an old lady over his left shoulder? Seemed like a pretty

"Review" was a perfect television series.