

If I wanted to listen to racist rantings "In the style of Opie and Anthony" I would just listen to Cumia himself.

It has nothing to do with what the mother eats while the kid is in the womb. My wife was very deliberate about eating a wide range of foods while pregnant, she was more worried about allergies, but the point stands.

This guy sucks.

He's not trying to actually win in a court. He's trying to scare HBO into shutting Oliver up.

Eat Shit, Bob.

Could be totally making this up, but I was under the impression that Erlich bought the house outright after he sold Aviato.

He also, IIRC plays a psychic mommas boy or something of that nature - a real creep - in the Stephen King miniseries "Rose Red."

More like "Whole Paycheck!"

Comey said that Lynch asked him to refer to a completed investigation as a "matter" instead of an "investigation."

She's not really the target here though, the target is Donald.

Is Happy Endings available to re-watch anywhere?

It's not that easy, the texture is different…it's much more fine than normal ground beef…it's like beef powder.

My mom's family is from Eastern Iowa. It's tradition to stop for a Maid-Rite at least once when visiting. Often, we will stop at the one in Lindale Mall on the way from Cedar Rapids "International" Airport.

Someone tell him the Cubs win the 2017 World Series!

My Mother in Law wants to know how much money you want and to where she should send it?

"Too Bigoted for Breitbart" is…just wow, something that apparently is possible.

Last Podcast on the Left manages with Henry being God Knows Where from week to week…

I'm only about halfway through, but the part where the Uber CEO refers to himself as "Chief Incubator" and Gary just starts screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" was legendary

So, were these memes too Dank or not Dank enough? That's the real question!