
You're entitled to your opinion.

You have to be able to come to terms with the Racist Accent stuff or you're going to have a bad time. To me, the accents have always been so egregious as to actually be a spoof of racism, but if you can't draw that line, it might not be the show for you. Also, they do say "retard" a lot…

Don't reccommend Aum Shenryko if she doesn't like Racist Accents.

I love The Dollop's ads in general, they're the only ones I don't fast-forward through.

Jessica St. Clair was a goddamned force in this episode.

Between Paul and the guy from "The Profit," It definitely feels like June…has a type.

Just now learning that Season 3 of Review is only going to be Three Episodes?

Harmontown is another one for me that I just kind of stopped listening to, and My Favorite Murder.

I was into Tales from the Magic Tavern for a while, and then I randomly just stopped listening to it. Then I got so far behind, and it has such a serialized nature that I kind of dumped the whole thing. Oh well.

While maybe not the "best" episode of late from a quality perspective…this was easily the most I've laughed out loud during a single episode of Sunny in a while.


"Sit Down, Shut up" was underrated.

I honestly didn't know this show was still on.

Judging from these rankings, I'd say it comes down to personal preference on adjuncts. From my understanding, Bud and Coors both use Rice as their primary adjunct, while Miller uses corn. I wouldn't be able to articulate what the taste difference is, but I prefer Miller to Coors and Bud whereas this author is the

I had to listen to it twice. I was too drunk the first time to really appreciate what was going on.

Sweetwater - FWIW, I got that from the website, not the show.

How do you feel about Penguins? Love 'em? Hate 'em?

This was a great Episode. MEMEWATCH was amazing…

"I just looked in the paper and there it was!"

Mattress Warehouse