
You could try a Gateway Country Store. Their logo is cow-related because that has something to do with computers.

Their prices had to be that high to justify paying commissions to the salespeople that were so far up your ass you never wanted to shop there.

what kind of contracts did they want you to sign?

Yeah, I loved that.

Interesting, I didn't get "map" from that.

I gotta be honest, the whole method seems kind of dirty…but this doesn't really feel like a "scam" to me. No more than sales of anything, really.

Shannon Woodward. She was the daughter on "The Riches" and the manic pixie dream girl on "Raising Hope."

The only benefit I can see from them trying to shove curved TVs down our throats is that they're not trying to shove glasses-required 3D TVs down our throats anymore

The only one I really reemember specifically was this one where there was this immigrant family, and for some reason "Ernst" was like a curse word to them and they would freak out every time that someone said "Mr. Ernst"

I'm not trying to offend, I'm just making an observation.

Your profile says "follower of Christ."

You're being the Sea Lion…

What's the appropriate age to have "the talk" with your children? My son just started kindergarten.

Worse than Coven?

I'm going to have to disagree here, people never stop with the nostalgia as they get older, and the older they get the worse it gets. When I was a kid, the adults had nostalgia for the 50s when they were a kid, the 50s nostalgia is still huge. When I was a teen it was the 60s and 70s (remember when we re-booted

He'll always be "The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries!" guy to me.

I can't lie, I would shell out the $50 for the "Nick Box."

I did love how Syd just completely lost it on Sawbones, dropping her "Straight Man" persona to tell us how she really feels about this particular issue.

I remembered this story from "Stuff you Missed in History Class," but the Dollop Version was a much funnier take on child death.

1) Mayo is gross. This sounds like Mayo but with extra chemicals?