Magicpants McSoreballs

All the reviews here are full of spoilers. You shouldn't read them until after you've seen the shows, though I know very well how tempting it is to do otherwise. Maybe just check the grades?

Guess Grimm is a repeat this week, then? Damn it.

Yeah, my profile picture/notifications is blacked out and all my comments are missing from my profile page. Pretty sure it means the rapture is nigh.

Ugh. That was a super-annoying 20 minutes.

Did you not get the memo that Avery has been "humbled" by his bad experience with Wyclef Jean and Miss Music Pimp. He has realized that maintaining his integrity is more important than money. His plaintive piano ballad at that bar was supposed to let you know that he regrets his actions in regards to hurting Scarlet

Doesn't everyone?

I wanted to like this more than I did, seeing as I've always enjoyed the character. Something just feels off about the whole thing, and I didn't find the portrayals of Graham or Hannibal particularly compelling — one of my favorite things about Lecter is his worldly air and undeniable charisma, and I feel like that's

OK, I have to admit, I loved this episode.

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Watched this. Didn't laugh once. Found it mostly annoying. But it's still HIMYM, so I can kinda appreciate any episode, while still recognizing it's a pile. Graded it C-.



*looks around crime scene, surreptitiously scratches ass*

GROETFLAE does have a certain ring to it.

The glowing-red optical enhancement that fits like an eye patch?

Mostly agree with the B+, but I'd probably bump it up to an A-. Solidly entertaining episode that furthered the Arrow mythology, and the season-arc momentum was satisfying too.  Laughed when Felicity asked Oliver if Deadshot kicked Diggs' dog.

Nah, ghost-Vickie totally snarfed that shwag a few seasons back.

*Skeptically awaits hot zombies*

That Jamie Lidell poster Elena must have pinned on her wall way back in 2008 when "Jim" was released. Simpler times, man … simpler times.
