Magicpants McSoreballs


This article is entirely to blame for the fact I have been absentmindedly whistling the DuckTales theme song at both work and home for the past two days. Excellent work.

Awesome! Good work, sir.

"Stand down, men. False alarm. It was just cappadocius."

*Looks around* How many shoes does she have — exactly?

I played the shit out of that game. It was indeed awesome. *heads off to find emulator*

Ah, DuckTales. Has it really been 20+ years? We spent many afternoons together with a bowl of sugary cereal. I heart you, my erstwhile after-school escape.

Top Chef?

I dunno … I feel like you're trying to pull a fast one on me. Editing feature? This isn't the future!

a "magic well" or a magic well-powered?

This show looks funny.

*legit  Legitimacy is a drag.

2 legtit 2 give a shit about this show.

Sharon Kay Penman's Plantagenet series, currently on "Devil's Brood." Good stuff, if you like historical fiction.

Craig T. Nelson is living in Berkeley, with his extended family. Parenting and stuff.

Must have more Wheels, Ontario. The Asian money lending stuff was pretty insufferable, and Publizity isn't doing it for me. Otherwise, most sketches have hit their mark, so far.

*Strums guitar and plays harmonica, sings nasally in a minor key* "Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho."