
You do realize rampant everyday sexism hasn't just, gone away, right? We've made some progress, but you don't have to spend much time on the internet to see it is still very much rampant. I mean, there are still plenty of people out there who don't think women should be able to vote, so I don't think historical

I'm so tired of them casting actors to play Doctor Who! Do you know how long it takes to get a medical degree? And then they just give the job to someone who is only /pretending/? How am I supposed to believe in this so-called "Doctor" when they're portrayed by someone who's probably never even removed an appendix!?

TBH I haven't been to Disney World in 25 years or so, so I don't have first hand experience of most of the rides. (But I'm obsessed with Disney Parks anyway so I keep up-to-date.) The 1st-gen Imagination ride was my favorite ride in the whole resort, so I'm a little salty about it being redone at all. (And I also

That Guardians of the Galaxy ride makes me really sad. EPCOT is supposed to be educational! (-ish). First they fill Journey Into Imagination with fart jokes, then they make the entire country of Norway be completely about Frozen, then they make The Sea all about Nemo, (which actually works ok,) and now they wanna

The conservative obsession with drinking liberal tears makes me wonder if they've all been infected with alien brain parasites, and they actually /need/ to drink liberal tears in order to stay alive - it's their garmonbozia. Considering how their top legislative priority is to cause massive amounts of pain and

If you end up liking XIII a lot the sequels aren't bad, though I never finished Lightning Returns. XIII-2 throws in time travel, so the plot pretty much turns to mush. Your time is probably better spent playing one of the other main FFs. (Also don't forget FF XIV, which is very good if you enjoy MMORPGs.)

I love FFXII. Whenever I finally finish Persona 5 and Zelda I'll probably get the FFXII remaster, even though I just replayed like 80% of it in an emulator last year. (Even completing most of the hunts as well.) The Gambit system is great, the art is great, the world opens up in a really cool way, with lots of

Personally, I'm going to think "time to finally get that EU/Canadian citizenship." Because while I'm happy to stay and try to defeat the GOP through voting and civic engagement, at some point the gerrymandering and voter suppression and "fake news" and refusal to take action against treason/emoluments becomes so

The PEOPLE chose Hillary by an overwhelming margin, in both the primary /and/ the general election. People actively liked Hillary, because she is intelligent, capable, and had actual plans to solve actual problems. Not sure why this is hard to understand.

I also enjoy that this forces them to say, in at least a small way, "there was no dirt on Hillary."

Now is a good time for everyone to call their congressman and demand impeachment! Dem. congresspeople too - every single Dem representative should be talking impeachment, when they're not talking about how horrible the death bill is.

So does that make Martha Marcy May Marlene the Avengers of the FWTCSWM Cinematic Universe? Even though it came out 6 years ago? (Also that movie was quite good.)

Having them swing around and swipe on a gigantic touch screen is somehow even more boring and creatively bankrupt than I had pictured it being. At least have actual giant candies you have to physically swap around!

I agree! I thought that scene was hilarious. (It's also about the only scene I can remember from 3). It was campy and un-self-serious and "uncool" in a way I wish more superhero movies would embrace.

One of the top things I absolutely hate about this current reality is that Trump can spend 2 minutes retweeting some idiotic propaganda from a fascist troll and it will become a top news story for the next 2 weeks. It reminds me of that scene in The Last Emperor where we see the Royal Poop Inspector checking the

Here's my understanding of what happened:
Lord and Miller wanted a zany, off-the-cuff tone, so they tied Ehrenreich to a chair and forced him to watch Ace Ventura: Pet Detective over and over, Clockwork Orange style. Kasden, upset, freed Ehrenreich and fired Lord and Miller, but now Ehrenreich demanded to deliver all

That was fantastic. Something like this was my best case scenario for the show coming back, and now I sort of can't believe it actually got made.

I'm starting to think that writing in 15 minutes of custom animated cutscenes made in an animation engine I also built myself was perhaps not the smartest production move I made over the course of making this iPad game. Turns out animation is really fucking hard! I think my next game will have to be a text

He did about 18pts better than the Dem in the last election several months ago, and perhaps even more better news is that the Dem in my home district in SC only lost by 3% - a 17% improvement. There are more than 90 more liberal districts up for grabs in 2018 and all we need is 24 or so, so tonight actually counts as

Holy crap are these for real? Why is everything so cheap?!? I'll definitely be checking back in 8 days to see what's still affordable. I actually need some new glasses - am I a good enough Dean though?