
I was doing a Hitchcock rewatch earlier this year and wanted to see Rebecca, and it was surprisingly difficult to find a good quality version. Like, I could watch a poorly compressed YouTube version, but there was no HD stream to rent that I could find. And it's a classic! Meanwhile Jamaica Inn and Juno and the

I've been catching up on albums released so far this year, and I have to say that anyone who misses 90s grunge-pop (Sugar, Breeders, Weezer, etc), should definitely give the new Charly Bliss album Guppy a listen.

Are we to infer that Bowser also has a possession-hat? If so I hope the final boss fight involves Bowser and Mario fighting each other /as/ each other!

Was I the only one sort of disappointed in BGE2? It's been ages since I played the first, but when I think back to what I enjoyed about it, it was taking photos and solving well-designed puzzles alongside a surprisingly lifelike NPC. (The way Peyj would talk to you felt groundbreaking for a Gamecube game.) But

Looks like I'll be getting a Switch later this year! I expected this would be the game to put me over the edge, and yep, it is.

I've wanted to leave BofA for awhile (for one thing, no ATMs near me!), but I'll probably get bored researching credit unions and give up. But whether or not it makes a difference to them, it makes a difference to me, so it's still worth an effort.

I agree but I still feel dirty! (I've been loving the new season, slow-paced though it is. I especially love Dougie/Slow Coop.)

Ugh now I feel dirty for subscribing to Showtime for Twin Peaks. No one should be making or airing pro-Putin propaganda! Bad, Showtime, bad!

I hope everyone has been calling their Senators! This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. If we can kill the AHCA it throws a wrench into the rest of their horrible agenda and makes them all look like the weak failures they are. If we don't kill it, well I hope none of us ever get sick again. So call! Even if they're

I really enjoyed the Starcrash episode! For one thing I thought it looked fantastic - I loved the cheesy yet stylish details like the plexiglass cockpit, the stop-motion robots, and the randomly colored starfield that looked like the carpet for a skating rink. So thanks for helping to Kickstart the new season into

So I was doing a google-check on my username, and realized there are a ton of weird, possibly spammy sites that have archived all of these messages boards, up-to-date. I don't understand why and it's sort of creepy, but it seems like all of our comments will be around somewhere. The internet is weird.

I loved Sense8. I'm actually going to cancel my Netflix in about a week, after I finish a couple of other shows that I'm in the middle of. (Kimmy Schmitt and the new MST3K.) I'd understand if there were some sort of single movie wrap up, or abbreviated final season, but getting attached to a show and then having it

Also, to the extent I can still find any of this funny, the whole "I need your loyalty", "I can give you my honesty", "that's what I want - your honest loyalty" exchange was pretty funny. Sometimes I think Trump is literally a 5-year old in a 70-years old's body, Freaky Friday style.

Huh, weird. I've lived in NYC for a while and I've never had a conversation where I repeatedly pressure the head of the FBI to drop an investigation into my staff's possible treason. Maybe it's a Manhattan thing?

Jinx! Glad I'm not the only person that likes The Rhythm of the Saints. Also I can't believe I forgot about Mrs. Robinson - it's such a fundamental song it feels like it wasn't written so much as discovered.

I recently had "Boy in the Bubble" pop into my head while walking around - "These are the days of miracle and wonder and don't cry baby, don't cry."
So, that one, "Graceland", "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes" (that whole album is fantastic). Also "The Obvious Child", "The Coast", "Me and Julio", "Only Living Boy

I'm about 60% of the way through Breath of the Wild, which I love, but I stopped for P5, which I think I'm about 40% of the way through and also love. (Just beat the 3rd palace.) Once I'm done with those two I plan to play Nier, maybe Horizon, and maybe Yakuza. So many great games to play!

It was only funny to me when I thought he had had a stroke and died. Sigh, what a glorious few hours that was…. (Man, that makes me sound mean and uncaring, but, well, you know.)

They approved mine! But maybe the staff refuses to click on imgur links to check what they are, which is understandable.

It's almost like society cares more about the fake crimes women didn't commit than the real crimes men actually committed.