
Ha, it's because I used the M - A - G - A hashtag. (Ironically). Turns out that gives you an automatic trip to moderation-ville. Man, does this mean that these boards would be flooded with trumpers if not for the vigilance of the AV staff? Even our quiet little corner? Thank you brave defenders of sanity! But

Is it because I said #MAGA?

I tried to comment on another post and I got a "Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by A.V. Club." message. Has this happened to anyone else? Now I finally know what censorship feels like! MA RIGHTS!!!

"I like Kathy Griffin cause she isn't politically correct and she's not afraid to say the stuff we're all thinking and she makes people mad which is great! ;-) #MAGA #DrinkTheirTears #MakeAmericaGriffinAgain"

I think I'm more upset about Sense8 being cancelled than I am about the climate stuff. (Which was at least expected and can be ameliorated by local action. Hopefully.) Plus reading all the "it was too gay it should've been cancelled long ago" shit isn't helping me not be angry. It's like, we get it, straight white

Ugh I am so fucking angry. And I started today in a decent mood too, considering I've been dealing w/ a chronic pain issue for the past 3 weeks. I would like some good news now please!

Between this and the Paris Accords it's not a great day for progressive optimism.

So I called customer support, and the woman said the decision isn't actually official. She even put me on hold to go check, and said there definitely hasn't been an official announcement yet. (So not sure what the VP's statement was then…) But at any rate, she said they're very feedback driven, so it seems like it

So I also called customer service, and the lady actually took the time to confirm that it's /not/ official? So, keep calling/tweeting I guess? Trump might be cancelling the environment, but we can maybe at least stop /this/ cancellation!

Fuck! This one's gonna hurt. I haven't finished the season yet, but I can't imagine it gets wrapped up satisfyingly. Time to write a sternly worded letter to Netflix!

Sean Spicer now says the president /meant/ to tweet covfefe and that a small group of people knows exactly what it means.

It would be such an incredibly fitting end to his presidency for him to die on the toilet tweeting "Despite the negative press covfefe" that I know it can't possibly be true cause the universe doesn't make that much sense. And if that turns out to actually be the case, I might have to completely reevaluate my

It's such a relief every time I get to erase a name from the list of jerks I have to pay attention to. Bye Chaffetz! May I never hear of you again.

Used to be Paul - I was a huge McCartney fan as a kid; Tug of War and All the Best were among the first CDs I ever bought. And he definitely has his brilliant moments - Sgt. Pepper was mostly his idea - and he's got a remarkable way with melody. But lately I've been leaning to John more - I think Lennon frequently

That's old news now! We've moved on to Comey's memo of Trump asking him to nix the Flynn investigation back in February. Gotta keep our outrage au courant!

And yet they don't care, and in fact are /still/ complaining about Hillary's emails.

Computers are lazy, so if it thinks you're not paying attention it'll take its time. If you cancel and restart the download, it'll realize you really want the file and will speed it up a bit. I was the Technical Director for an internet company for several years, so I know what I'm talking about! (Though for some

I liked it! Very pretty and chill. I had sort of been expecting this direction, based on his Ghost In The Shell soundtrack work, and the general vibe of the art and track listing. (One of the tracks is even "Surfing on Mind Waves pt 2", part one being from the GITS soundtrack.)

The food situation in Times Sq itself is pretty dire, (although Patsy's on 56th over by Carnegie Hall or Sardi's on 44th can be fun in a "NYC tourist" way.) I lived in Hell's Kitchen for a bit a couple years ago, and assuming things haven't changed too much, 9th ave between 42nd and 54th or so are where most of the