
Blah, this is all really straining my ability to concentrate and get work done. There really seems to be a rock-solid 40% that supports every single fucking thing Trump does, and thanks to gerrymandering, that's all they need to stay in power. Meanwhile my dad, a proud member of that 40%, posted a Milo video about

They went back in time and accidentally prevented their parents from ever meeting

Yes! I love this album!
How did you find out about it? I stumbled onto it because I was curious about where the "Wozard of Iz" sample on the new Avalanches album came from. It was from a Mort Garson song, and when I saw the album title/cover for Plantasia I was like "that seems like it'd be up my alley." And it was!

Hooray! I know there are a million caveats to this victory but I'm gonna celebrate it anyway!

Sigh, well if they can at least hold on for 5 years, the US could maybe elect non-evil people back into a majority? Only one descent into fascism at a time please! Also by then the damage from Brexit will maybe start showing, and the whole anti-EU thing might not seem as attractive.

I'm getting nervous about the French election. Apparently turnout is the lowest its been in decades.

We only get to pick one?! How will we ever decide?!?

Ahh. Well then nevermind!

The House controls impeachment though, right? If the Dems win it in 2018 I feel like impeachment would be a decent possibility. However there's pretty much no way he gets removed from office, and it's possible getting impeached would make him /more/ popular among his base and help get him reelected. But we could at

I assume it's a cross-promotion with The Handmaid's Tale?

Isn't this basically an act of political suicide for them though? The Democrats lost the House in 2010 cause they voted for a bill that actually /helped/ people, so it sure seems like the GOP voting for a bill that will harm millions ensures the House will be ours in 2018. Just in time for some impeachment fun!

All the songs you mentioned are great, and I also really love how strongly Ascension opens the album, and the catharsis with which We Got the Power closes it. (Non-deluxe version at least.)

I'm glad I'm not the only person who liked it! I watched it cause I thought it was going to be a trainwreck, (NBC reboots The Munsters, how could it not be!) but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. The Bryan Fuller touch I guess!

That song has pretty much been playing on a constant loop inside my head for the past week. Sometimes with a weak mob I'll even wait a bit so I can have the chorus hit right at the All-In animation. So catchy!

I agree that sometimes a game's protagonist is a specific person, and you just gotta play them as they were written. But P5 sort of sends mixed messages on that front - you decide the guy's name, you pick his dialogue and he doesn't speak otherwise, you decide how he spends his time and who he spends it with - it

In honor of Robyn Hitchcock's very nice new album, just released today, I wanted to post one of my favorite songs of his - the early classic "I Wanna Destroy You". So, here you go!

I really like the new Thundercat album, Drunk. To me it's like a mix between Parliament's ballads, 80s yacht rock, the track pacing of Guided By Voices, and the impish humor w/ soul of prime Todd Rundgren. Lots of short catchy songs and great bass playing.

Ooo I somehow forgot to watch "Mr Runner Up". I'll have to remedy that!

Foxes, huh. Too bad for those who wanted to be sexy nazi cats instead.

My first thought was "sure why not", but then I realized how little sense this makes. Like, what cartoons do they dress as? Are they all the same species? How could they have species diversity but not tolerate racial diversity? Is this their escape from an ideology even their own subconscious can't tolerate? Or