
My mom said she read on Facebook that none of this violence would have happened if the left hadn't "tried to erase history".

In order to be tolerant, one must be intolerant of intolerance. You can't tolerate intolerance and still consider yourself a tolerant person. This is just basic logic.

It's basically the same as my favorite movies list, but here goes:
Juliet of the Spirits
Mon Oncle
The Birds
Mulholland Drive
Edward Scissorhands

Huh, I actually really liked the back half of season 6. And really, isn't season 4 when the show began to die? I dunno if it's the sole reason Glover left, but you have to imagine being in those episodes would make anyone start thinking about quitting.

Wait, I've seen this movie before. Don't we just have to beat Trump at Tic Tac Toe to prevent Thermonuclear War? Surely that can't be too hard to do!

"Let's give James a big hand for being brave enough to come up on stage every week and play that song, even though we never asked him to. And now let's give an even bigger hand to our actual musical guest tonight - Nine Inch Nails feat. Moby!"

Oh yeah, Bravely Default was a lot of fun, but it sort of went on too long and I never ended up finishing it. (Though to be fair I'm pretty bad at completing JRPGs.) If you find a cheap copy it's definitely worth it.

SMT4 is great! I found it pretty hard at first too, but if you've played any of the Personas, it has the same "hit a weakness, get another turn" mechanic, and once you've got enough demons to respond to enemy weaknesses/strengths things get a bit easier. Plus there are some cool story twists, so I'd definitely

The guy sure loves his sound design. (As do I.)

Lake Bell is also a great director - I highly recommend In A World for anyone that hasn't seen it yet.

So is TV Club, like, dead? Because the front page still has last week's Twin Peaks on the list. There have only been seven new episodes of television since last Sunday? Did Game of Thrones end up not happening? I really don't get what's going on w/ this site.

Sometimes I worry that by living in Brooklyn, I won't be incinerated fast enough if missiles hit NYC. Just the normal anxieties of a modern life!

And also apparently gave a speech where he encouraged police to commit more brutality. Because "innocent until proven guilty" is for un-american losers!

I wanna believe but I've been tricked so many times by McCain's "Ooo I'm gonna be a maverick look at me I'm about to go maverick ha ha just kidding". We'll find out soon enough! I think?

I was really confused when I saw this news, because I thought Trump had gotten rid of the entire White House Press office months ago and replaced it a w/ Sarah Huckabee Sanders clip from Fox News. I mean, if the White House gives a press conference, but no one is allowed to record and broadcast it, does it make a

If a policy disproportionately harms one race more than another, it's a racist policy. And voter disenfranchisement definitely fits that bill - just look at how gerrymandering was done by the GOP in NC for an example of how it was race-based. (They specifically used demographics when making their decisions.) But even

Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite 3d Mario game, and the single location is a huge reason for that. I loved that you could see neighboring regions in the distance - it made it feel like a real world. And I loved the island environment - the way the sunny part of the hub world expanded as you got more stars, the

It's hard to imagine any of those BCRA no's would suddenly become yes's with an even stupider idea. (Even if it's one they voted for before it mattered.) As far as I can tell it just seems like a massive fuck-you from McConnell to the GOP. And if it works anyway, to the rest of us as well!

I'd at least watch episodes 1, 2, 7, and the finale from season 2 because they're great. Most episodes after 7…less so. But even with knowing how it ends, the joy of the show is the atmosphere and direction and the building of the mystery - how the mystery gets resolved is less important.

Doctor WHAT???!?