
I shall confirm your confirmation about the rumor that Get Out is a good movie, with an addendum that it is also a great movie. All in favor? The ayes have it. Meeting adjourned!

Noooooo I said not to tell meeeee!!! Spoilerzzzz!

I'm too terrified to ever look at that page directly, because whenever the approval line starts trending up I get an overwhelming desire to book a ticket on the next rocket into the Sun.

I really enjoyed the first half, haven't had time to start the second half yet. If you like Baz Luhrmann at all it's worth a shot - glorious music sequences and period detail with oft-ridiculous characters and drama.

Is Veronica Mars a sitcom? Cause she was definitely a lie detector!

Hooray! For the past two weeks, the majority of my activist calls have been to Nunes, first asking, telling, and then demanding he step down from the committee. It worked! I did it!! You're welcome, everyone! What should I use my annoyingly persistent powers of persuasion on next? Fair warning - they only work

Yay my favorite question to be asked!
From his Flipper's Guitar days - "Groove Tube" (he'd reuse samples from this a lot)
First Question Award - "The Sun Is My Enemy", "Cannabis"
69/96 - "Brand New Season", "Volunteer Ape Man", "How Do You Feel?"
Fantasma - "New Music Machine" (my #1 favorite), "Star Fruits Surf Rider"

Yeah, seems legit, plus it's already tomorrow in Japan (land of the future!) so I think I'm ready to believe.

Ahhhh Cornelius chose today of all days to announce his first new album in 11 years and now I don't know if I can believe it's true! He's one of my all-time favorite musicians and I've been waiting for this for 11 years so if this is a prank I am going to fly to Japan and force him to write an album for real!

I increasingly think the Avengers movies (and any of the "cram in every hero crossover bonanza" films) are thankless tasks. The first one sort of worked at the time as a culmination, but now it's like when you eat a bag of Skittles, and you start by eating each color separately so you can appreciate the flavor, but

Traitor! This is just as bad as when the Verizon "Can you hear me now" guy defected to Sprint!

There's a great bookstore in my neighborhood, and anytime I'm within a block of it I stop by, mostly to see if they have any more used Terry Pratchett novels. I barely even have time to read them, but I just know I'll want them at some point. (Anytime I go on vacation, I'm always bringing a Discworld book w/ me.)

Continued my Orson Welles watchathon, with Lady From Shanghai, The Stranger and Touch of Evil (restored edit). All were good-to-great, even his lesser, more studio-controlled films have moments of brilliance. While I love his visual style, with its multi-layered compositions and careful use of light and shadow, I

Not sure! No one I saw the movie with could figure that out either, but we had a bunch of guesses. Some theories: Maureen died as well and that was her ghost, Maureen was Kyra and Kyra was just the persona she wore in the public eye, Maureen was Ingo and did the murder herself, or maybe a combination of all of

Great review!

I saw it last weekend and loved it! I know a lot of reviews complained that it was two different movies that never really fit together, but it all seemed thematically coherent to me. Plus I like when films don't stick to one little genre-box. Very well-directed, and Kristen Stewart's performance is amazing.

"Master Crawley! Maybe this is how it's done in America, but in England one simply does not expose one's buttocks during the Wellingham Ladies' Propriety Luncheon and Associated Ball!"

NewsRadio is fantastic and worth a watch. In some ways I feel like it has aged better than Seinfeld, which felt more modern at the time but has since been eclipsed by its descendants, like Curb. NewsRadio was joyously in love with being a classic sitcom, and its greatness came from executing everything at a high

I'm not entirely sure these are all sitcoms, but:
New Millenium: Community, The Good Place, Flight of the Conchords, Arrested Development, Party Down, Veep, Sunny
Old Millenium: Absolutely Fabulous, NewsRadio, Seinfeld, Fawlty Towers, Newhart, Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke, Cheers, Bewitched, I Love Lucy.
(I watched a

It definitely went off the rails, and season 6 got pretty dire at points. However I still think season 7 was one of their best, along with season 3. The two episodes I still think about are the Johnny Karate Show, and the one where they kept slipping on ice to "Get On Your Feet". (Which I think is the single