
While I agree w/ you that Trump voters need to feel consequences, it's also the case that we need to do everything possible to make it /easy/ for them to change their minds. And aggressively telling them "you deserve this" will only cause them to dig in deeper. You certainly don't want to give the media the chance

I think that's an oversimplification. One of the biggest issues the country faces is the whole "all news is fake news"/"what do experts know" mentality that has gripped a large swath of the populace. As long as that remains, there is no way for the country to operate rationally, and sooner or later that will lead to

I saw this last year and loved it - definitely one of my favorite films in recent history.

Happened to me too, but it was like the page was recursively loading copies of itself, like a hall of mirrors. Is "bottomless pit of infinite recursion" the new UI fad? Just stick to endless scrolling!

I think I've only shoveled snow once and I wanted to quit after two minutes so I don't envy the task ahead of you and I wish you the best but I do however envy all that SWEET SWEET SNOW

The Left: "We believe in science, justice, and equality, and think education and healthcare should be accessible to everyone."

Sigh, the blizzard was a bust. All I wanted was a couple of feet of snow to shut down NYC and cancel work forever and we spend the rest of our lives frolicking in a fluffy winter paradise living in magic ice castles. But instead the gods vomited down a couple inches of wet sleet that will freeze everything into a

In the first episode we learn Sheldon's origin story, when he gets a radioactive vaccination shot that gives him super-autism.

Also Zelda! It's great! Windwaker still has the top slot in my heart, but this one is definitely up there. I love pouring over the map, picking out some mysterious corner, and then hiking across mountains to see what's there. And such a well-designed map too - Nintendo is to game design as Frederick Law Olmstead

Probably "All Tomorrow's Parties", both for the song, and because it reminds be of the All Tomorrow's Parties music festivals (RIP) that were some of my all-time favorite memories. (Single top memory - Bradford Cox from Deerhunter playing an impromptu afterhours set by a lake with the members of Circulatory System.)

The waltz scene in Grand Central Station is one of my all-time favorite Gilliam moments!

Baron Munchausen, because it's such a blast of whimsy and visual wonder. Probably not his best movie, but I think the case could be made that it's his best-looking.

It sort of feels appropriate to have Pryce be Quixote. He was there for Gilliam's greatest triumph, so maybe he'll be a good luck charm. Hope he survives filming!

Living in America has started to feel like being ruled by a cross between Kilgrave from Jessica Jones and that omnipotent kid from The Twilight Zone - a man with the mental state of a young child, whose every word turns into incontrovertible fact for roughly 41% of the country.

I don't have a kettle. When I make tea I just fill the mug with water and microwave for 1.5 minutes, and if I need a lot of hot water I use a pot.

Also, intelligence isn't just a single scale - there's thousands of different ways of thinking (5,613 to be exact) and some might be better at some things, some better at a lot of things, some only good for one thing but really great for just that, etc. Personally I think of myself as a good "wide" thinker but not a

Another white male captain? Booooo! He better be super gay at least!

I liked the setting a lot too, which is why I was disappointed by how it feels like half the movie takes place in that one "grave site" set. Though to be fair, from what I read there were issues with weather and they had to film a lot of scenes inside a high school gym. (Where a 300lb camera fell from the roof and

I rewatched the two 1955 Hitchcock films, To Catch a Thief and The Trouble With Harry, which I hadn't seen in at least 10 years. Thief held up better than I remembered, thanks to some nice camerawork and direction. In some ways it seems like a precursor to Vertigo - lots of rooftop shots, lots of symbolic green hues

I prefer coffee black. I like the taste, but some of that's because I mostly drink it for its medicinal "make my brain work" qualities, so the bitterness is psychologically pleasing as well. The sharp acridness /feels/ like something that would wake you up. But more important than the taste is the smell - I loooove