
Hey why assume the worst - maybe the Russians are just planning us all an amazing surprise birthday party! You wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for America, would you?

If you can find a cheap used Wii U, you can buy the WW HD remake. It's nice! (And then you can also get the new zelda!)

Yeah I'll probably break down and get one when the next Mario comes out. And then I'll be able to replay the new Zelda in "HD"!

It was a tough decision, but I've decided to ignore the Switch and get Zelda for the Wii U. The most recent comparison videos make it look like there really isn't much difference visually - slightly lower quality sound, not as far of a draw difference, and some frame rate drops, but only during intense weather

Nixon created the EPA that Trump & the GOP are currently working to destroy. He's 1000x better than any current Republican and he was a corrupt drunken paranoid monster.

Or as Matt Roller, ex-Community writer, said on Twitter:
"Oh good, the President who constantly accuses others of things it later turns out he's been doing thinks everything is a false flag attack."

Hmm, I think I forgot that existed! I'll have to listen to that as well. Maybe I was subconsciously saving it so I'd always have a new Stereolab album waiting…

Seeing Stereolab live is near the top of my Band Bucket list, though as you said that's pretty unlikely. But maybe I can see Tim and Laetitia separately and call it as close enough!

You all laugh, but that bag of pretzels I cursed back in 2002 nearly took care of Bush. Unfortunately I cannot do the same to Trump and his steaks, as he is under the dark protection of the dread sorcerer Reincewind Anoxoram Priebus. But once I find that horcrux…

I liked it! Though for several of the songs I was like "Where's Laetitia?".

No but I will now!

Stereolab is unique for me, in that I can put on pretty much any of their albums and listen all the way through. That said, my perennial favorite song is "Florescences", followed by "Cybele's Reverie", "Infinity Girl", "Valley Hi!", "Vonal Declosion", "Space Moth", "Nothing To Do With Me", "Ping Pong" and many more,

At this point I'm pretty convinced he could shoot someone on 5th Ave like he said and he would still have at least 30-35% support. They'd just say "guy was reaching for a gun!", "it was a paid liberal assassin!", "trump is just shooting the people we want to shoot but can't because of politically correct bullshit!"

Deerhoof is great! Here are some of my favorite songs (in chronological order): "Magic Star", "Halfrabbit Halfdog", "This Magnificent Bird Will Rise", "Top Tim Rubies", "L'Amour Stories", "Milk Man", "Milking", "O'Malley, Former Underdog", "Spirit Ditties of No Tone", "Scream Team", "You Can See", "The Perfect Me",

Blonde Redhead: Penny Sparkle
Matthew Sweet: Sunshine Lies
REM: Reveal
Todd Rundgren: State (I mean, he's made plenty of bad albums before, but this is the one where it was like, "yep, he's totally lost it")

I really hope that happens. But meanwhile, the plan to open a bunch of private prisons and fill them w/ low-level drug offenders (possibly even legal users) will take away the right to vote from hundreds of thousands of potential democrats. Which I can only believe is part of an intentional effort to install a

If your concern is keeping the quality of our healthcare high, wouldn't lowering the requirements for drug approval and becoming a doctor have a negative impact? I'm happy for our bureaucratic processes to be streamlined, but a lot of regulations exist for a reason - to keep our quality high. As for tort reform -

What are some of your preferred ways to lower the cost of healthcare?

So the wealthy get access to top quality health care, but no one else does? So in the future when an average citizen gets sick from polluted rivers and air, there might be a new cancer drug or what have you, but they won't have access to it, while a kid who just happens to inherit a bunch of wealth from their parents

"All the others bailed because they weren't making enough money."