
Illegal immigrants contribute $150 billion to economic activity every year, and nearly 8 million jobs are dependent on that activity. They contribute about 8% of their income to taxes through state and local, and would contribute more if we let them pay federal taxes by, you know, MAKING THEM LEGAL.

No, you are the chosen one who will unite our tribes and end this ancient war!

Seafood. Which is why pizza commerce between my country and Iceland has suffered greatly as of late. When will we learn to accept each other's pizzas despite our pizzas' differences!

Yes! Other acceptable pizza fruits: tomatoes, olives, eggplant, figs, caramelized pears, and lemon juice or orange slices on either fennel or arugula.

The whole "Settle For Me" sequence is a standout, and both of those songs get used really well as callbacks throughout the series.

I started recently too! I just finished season one a few days ago, and it definitely gets richer as it goes. I especially love how they reuse musical themes from past songs to help show characters' state of mind. I wish more tv shows made such great use of their soundtracks like that.

"As we all know, the most difficult part of being a woman is when your husband suddenly becomes President right before your divorce, forcing you to spend the next four years pretending you're part of a healthy relationship when actually you're trapped in a gilded cage nightmare panopticon with no escape. Now let's

Supporting the President!

Wow that is a fantastic bundle - $30 for The Witness alone is a good price for an amazing game. I can also confirm The Stanley Parable and The Swapper are great, along w/ the games you mentioned. Too bad I already have most of these games. Curse my bounteous Steam library!

Unfunky UFO
Every single song on Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome
Aqua Boogie
Liquid Sunshine
Atomic Dog - cause it was released on the exact day I was born, so we're basically twins.

My name isn't actually Narrowstrife. I am sorry for the deception. My real name is Kristen Stewart, though you might also know me by my middle name - Patrick. Perhaps you've seen me in one of my many famous movies such as Twilight or Star Trek: First Contact.

According to a new PPP poll, support for impeachment is up to 46%. I feel like that's gotta be a new record as well!

Shiny Happy People
Radio Free Europe
Driver 8
What's the Frequency Kenneth
Finest Worksong
but I could've listed 50 other songs with equal validity. Murmur is the album I put on most often, though Document has been gaining on it recently. Green and Monster also get played a lot.

Well Nordstrom's stock is up 4% today after he attacked them, so…maybe!

Supposedly, Trump called Mike Flynn at 3am to ask if a weak dollar or strong dollar was better, and Flynn was like "Um, I'm not an economist."

From what I saw, most of her donations (bribes) to senators only ran in the $40k-$60k range. That doesn't seem too expensive for what you get - a vote for anything, no matter how stupid and immoral. So maybe we should start up a bunch of Kickstarters to buy off GOP senators; maybe for the right price they'll even

In preparation for Twin Peaks, I rewatched Mulholland Drive, which I hadn't seen in at least 10 years, but was one of my favorite movies at the time. (Plus the college screening I went to led to me joining the film club, which is where I met all of my current friends, which also led to me meeting my partner of 11

I looooove The Silmarillion - I read at least a part of it every fall. I've always liked mythology compendiums, and, much like Gollum, enjoy exploring the roots of things. If all of Tolkien's work was a video game, LOTR is the zoomed-in battle view, full of narrative detail and vivid, fully-realized environments,

I used to get Stumptown coffee a lot, and my favorite flavor by far was Indonesian Peaberry, or Pondicherry or something like that. Very sweet and fruity, not bitter at all. They don't seem to offer it anymore, so I can say with total confidence that it was the best coffee ever and no one can ever prove me wrong!

Impeachment is just the investigation though, right? I'm sure there's something there. Hillary's email server came from Benghazi - who knows what illegal disasters the bungled Yemeni raid will reveal!