
I agree impeachment isn't likely, but I do think it's possible - especially if his approval ratings keep getting worse, and his incompetence and irrationality start to have an effect on the economy. If the price of goods go up because he pissed off Mexico and China and companies start getting skittish because the

About Sessions - I'm not positive, but didn't the firing and replacement of Yates basically already put a horrible person in that position? I realize they don't have quite the same powers as a full AG, but I could see that maybe being a reason the Sessions opposition isn't quite as fierce.

I've been listening to a lot of the podcast recently, and it does a great job of getting me to laugh and get my mind off of bad things.

The Brad Bird one is one of my all-time favorite action movies, possibly my #1 favorite. It's just such a perfectly crafted kinetic sculpture, and I love the recurring "hi-tech gadget malfunction" conceit that happens throughout.

If I was Johnny, I'd snap my old toy in half and be like "it's two now, gimme the new toy". So along those lines, is there a way to split existing regulations apart? Like, "this one covered all 50 states, now it's 50 separate laws each covering a single state". Of course it doesn't really matter, since they were

The amount of people that see these comments and say "good, it's just common sense" makes me wonder if there hasn't been a silent pandemic of brain-eating amoebas over the past few decades.

Just pick one thing per call! You can always call again a few days later w/ a new issue. DeVos and Sessions confirmations are tomorrow, Pruitt is Wed, so one of those is a good thing to mention specifically. Also, the DC offices are pretty much just busy signals, but the state capitol offices will usually pick up.

But she was convinced so that's heartening! So it cancels out? But point is, even in North Dakota, if enough of us call, they'll listen. FWIW, when I called Sen Tim Scott's office (R-SC), they were super polite and helpful, so I don't think it's a lost cause. (Lindsey Graham's office less so, but still…)

I've been calling and faxing (faxzero.com!) and I plan to start going to a couple protests, even though crowds trigger my anxiety issues. (There's a protest tomorrow a couple blocks away, so no excuse there!)

Buzzfeed/Tronc 2020!

The biggest mystery to me is why this shit doesn't rile up their base more. These are people who freak out that the government is ripping people off and Obama and Clinton and Al Gore et al are just using their office to enrich themselves, yet they vote for the sleaziest, most suspicious, transparently greedy,

Also, keep in mind it's likely none of this would be happening if Andrew Weiner had just kept his fucking dick in his pants. "Weiner texts sex pic next to sleeping baby" is the "Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand" of our time.

So something interesting I've found when calling senators - D senators do not ask for my location, but R senators do. ("Can I get your address so I can pass your message along" implies they just discard out-of-state complaints.) However! I'm apparently still registered to vote in South Carolina (VOTER FRAUD PURGE

Oh man, what I would give for a Star Wars movie that was exclusively about trade negotiations in the galactic Senate…

"I'm sorry sir, the 'Kill the Poor and Loot the Country' package is only for platinum members. Let's see, at your membership level I can offer you the "Cower in Fear" package. Very popular nowadays!"

Crap, I still need to watch season 2, which is apparently vanishing from Hulu in 3 days.

Also, regarding the vote suppression, apparently many GOP-run state legislatures are trying to gerrymander the EC as well now - assigning EC votes based on # of won districts rather than winner-take-all. So there's that.

I sort of think the only thing that will stop the rightward lurch is shit getting /really/ bad, like "oh I can't afford any food today cause a loaf of bread is $20 now and there's no running water". /Then/ people will notice. Maybe. But something on that level would be a lot harder to ignore than just silencing all

I've been panicking for months - question is, what to do after that?

I was 2 years old and went to Disney World in 1984, and also Purple Rain was released.