
There's nothing "supposed" about Spencer's racism. He called for black genocide. He is a racist. He was "just standing there" advocating racism. Stop defending racists.

The Good Place finale is almost cruel in how much it makes me need another season RIGHT NOW.

I feel like the country is being run by the comments now.

Part of why I want to move to Canada is so I can see snow again! It's the coldest part of winter and even the Catskills are bare. Also I feel like investing in northern land is a good idea - get a head start on dominating the Canadian citrus market. (For when Florida is both underwater and a desert.)

Thing is, I'm not sure how to prepare myself, other than starting to organize my life in a way that makes fleeing to Canada easier in a couple years, in case 2020 is just as bad. Part of my brain keeps telling me that violent resistance is going to be the only "solution", and I'm really uncomfortable with those kinds


Whoops I checked the news and now I'm so angry I'm literally shaking a little. (The privatization of the Center for Public Broadcasting and the total elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts, in combination w/ Rick Perry not knowing what the department he wanted to eliminate (and now run) actually does,

What question would you most like to be asked?

The funny thing about Treasure Planet is that it was the directors' dream project since the 80s. But everytime they brought the idea up, Disney was all "no, direct this film about a mermaid", "no direct this movie about a lion". And after each one, they came back with "OK we made you another hit, can we /please/

I've been thinking a lot about animation, since one of the biggest remaining things I have to finish on my ipad game is a bunch of cutscenes. I always knew animation was difficult, but trying to do some yourself really drives home that it's VERY difficult. So with that in mind I've been thinking about the Disney

If this is the 2017 version of David Bowie's death, then we're off to a much better start

That's part of what annoys me about buying this one! I'm trying to save up for a new PC that will be VR-capable and want to put my money towards that instead. (Though it seems like I've got a year or two before that tech is worth it.) At this point I wish Nintendo would just go full-software, since their hardware

The new Zelda looks fantastic but I'm sort of bummed about the Switch. I already have tablets with much higher resolution - why on earth would I need yet another tablet, especially with a 720p display. It's not even 3D! At least it's more powerful than the WiiU, (roughly 2x from what I've read, but only when

Not if I don't give them my contact info!

In an attempt to be a good citizen and make up for my avoidance of news, (though I admit I've been reading it a bit today, because yeesh), I've started a plan of calling a couple senators/congressmen each day about various issues. But it's very hard to keep myself to something specific like "I'm concerned about Rex

I've pretty much stopped following the news so I haven't seen instances of this myself, (and hearing stuff like this makes me doubly glad I ignore the news now,) but I imagine a lot of this is because we're still in the honeymoon phase. Horrible nominations and idiotic twitter rants aside, Trump hasn't actually

I've been slacking off w/ my pop culture; I think I'm sort of unintentionally stockpiling cool happy things for later in the year. Mostly I've been catching up on Comedy Bang Bang (both show and podcast) while I work. I'm sad the show is ending, but I do find the podcast more reliably funny.

Awesome, glad to hear you're enjoying it! Though, I started w/ 4 and had been planning to go back and play the earlier ones, so now I know it's all downhill from here. ; )

I watched the whole thing and thought it was pretty funny, though not necessarily any funnier than when it was just on the podcast. Some of the guest stars were pretty great, but the real star was Erin McGathy. Which is too bad cause I'm guessing she won't be in S2.

He should probably just go back to music videos.