
Ooo, Tarsem directed every episode? That really shouldn't appeal to me, considering I made the mistake of watching The Immortals. Which quite often looked very good! But was also deeply deeply stupid. But I like watching pretty things, which is why I saw that dumb movie and is why I'll probably watch this.

I'm sure there'll be some of that, but I also think there'll be diminishing returns to blaming him once he's no longer around. A lot of voters will start getting tired of excuses, especially as the target of that excuse moves further into the past. I mean, how hard is it now for people to (rightfully) blame Bush for

The thing that gives me hope is that Trump and the GOP now actually have to deliver on their insane, unworkable promises. It's easy to say just say no to things other people propose, but now they actually have to spend money on a useless boondoggle, and forceably take away people's insurance. (And many people will

Ha, the /very first/ thing the GOP does with its majority is try to gut the Ethics Committee? Even Trump was like "Whoa guys, that's a little /too/ corrupt for me. We've got four years, let's pace ourselves a little"

Uncharted 4 was one of my favorite games of the year, and I had never played 1-3. A very fun, "Indiana Jones" style action movie romp with amazing environmental art.

Don't forget I Am Love!

Those days just made it worse cause it felt like we had dodged a bullet and she was going to pull through. Sigh…

That was pretty much everything I could've wanted from a Sense8 special - hopeful, humanist, awkwardly sincere and direct, and 30-40% psychic dance party orgy. The action/suspense parts were well done as well - Mr Whispers continues to be an unnerving threat, even as they start showing more of him. Plus everything

ATH-M50s? Those are my favorite travel/around-the-house headphones. Great value, really enjoyable sound, and super sturdy. My previous pair was a Shure 940, which had incredible detail, but was made out of really fragile plastic, and now no amount of duct tape will make them wearable again. I also use a pair of

Affable winter times everyone! And a cheerful time to buy a new calendar to all!

It's almost as if they're metaphors for our repressed and barely controlled emotions and desires!

Ah, well with Orci and Kurtzman in charge, I'm sure this will all turn out great! Maybe they can even crossover with the Transformers-verse! CROSSOVER ALL THE UNIVERSES!!

Ha, seriously? I want to be in charge of the UMCU. Or at least their taglines.
"Coming next summer - he's part man, part wolf - presenting Universal's - THE MALF"
"Spring 2018 - you can Jekyll, but you can't Hyde."
and etc. I don't even know what the other Universal monsters are. Frankenstein? Dracula? Are they

"But she sleeps in a coffin!"
"So she's a vampire?"
"No cause her skin is slightly darker, and she's got hieroglyphic tattoos and shit!"

Boy this looks dummmmmmb. I'd be more interested if it was called The Evil Princess. Cause aren't mummies supposed to be, like, mummified?

I'm going through a similar state, as my web-development job of 10 years is ending this month. I've been working from home for the past 5 years, and I love it and don't really want to have to get an office job again. For one thing, having to commute and work regular hours would take too much time away from what I

I watched Kingsglaive, which was fine, but still felt like an elaborate, expensive, two-hour cutscene. It was funny to watch something billed as an actual film that had background characters with video-gamey walking animations and lower-rez faces. Parts of it did look very nice though. Action-wise there was some

Great review! Pretty much matches my impressions so far, though I'm only on Chapter 8. I'm currently running around doing all the side quests, since I understand I'm not far from the linear portion. I know you can come back, but it feels more "right" to do at least most of them now. (My internal narrative is that

Considering that it's by the guy who directed This Must Be The Place, a film that constantly had you wondering exactly how serious everything was supposed to be, none of this news is that surprising.

Mirror mirror on the wall, we already did Arrow so which actor in the MCU is the hottest of all?