
I've been listening to basically nothing but ABBA for the past two weeks. I assume this is a normal part of dealing with Fascism?

Pence did! But then again, he's probably not actually a Trump fan…

Well, that's true for some people I'm sure, though speaking as a city liberal myself, I want what's best for them and think liberal/socialist policies would make that happen, were they ever to be fully implemented.

It's a good summation, though having grown up in rural South Carolina, none of it is surprising. I voted for Bush when I turned 18, cause I thought he was the only reasonable choice. Fast forward 2 years to my freshman year in college, and I was suddenly a gay, agnostic bleeding heart liberal. But that's because I

Bathroom rights aren't exotic if you're trans and need a bathroom. And I don't really think it's fair to blame liberals for a narrative that the /GOP/ produced. It's hard to properly explain things well when the GOP successfully spews disinformation on every channel, and media remains complicit in normalizing it.

I'm in denial about all of the problems and it's going amazingly well, everything's great!

True. I guess I'm worried they could revitalize the coal industry somehow and that'd be enough, but I guess that's both not going to be easy to do and not enough voters anyway.

Britta would be a hardcore Stein supporter that lectures everyone repeatedly about how the two-party system is a fake choice and it's all the same oppressive system and then she forgets to vote.

Sigh. Well I suppose this will at least give me plenty of time to play through World of Final Fantasy and then FFXV. And I actually haven't totally finished P3 or P4 either yet, or Fire Emblem x SMT for that matter. Stupid real world responsibilities keeping me from completing all of my important JRPG

The line-height is too large as well, and makes the margins look bad.

I caught up on it recently and really like it. Season 1 got pretty irritating at times, but once they expanded the cast (and softened Phil/Tandy's character a little), it went from being "look how annoying this guy is" to "look at this ad hoc family trying to make it work" and got a /whole/ lot better. It's still

Aw man, and I had invested all my money in brick futures….

If you like Buffy, you'll almost certainly like Angel. Season 1 is a bit rocky, but it starts building steam in season 2, and keeps getting better and better till the very end. Season 5 is one of my favorite Whedon seasons.

Is that even a good thing for them? A wrecked car isn't going anywhere no matter which way it's pointing. Hillary can always just sober up and turn around! And then laugh at the Trump wreckage as she passes by.

I have some Klonopin I've set aside for this very occasion. (It's been very hard to not use it all right now!) Then I plan to try to distract myself with work - barring that, playing Pinball Arcade till 8pm, at which point I will commence refreshing the results till the nightmare is over.

I mean, it's not impossible, but it's still highly unlikely. But if you really believe it's gonna happen, you could make a killing on the prediction markets!

I'm writing in Cthulu. I'd rather my electoral doom be the mind-shredding eldritch horror type and not the fascist clown type.

He violated the Hatch Act. He's now guilty of a worse crime than what Hillary is accused of. But of course, Democrats can't really push that too hard, cause it just keeps it in the news. I've already been having a low-grade anxiety attack for the past two weeks - if the Comey business ends up swinging the election

I'm still nervous, but only emotionally - I won't be rationally nervous unless PA, CO or NH polls start looking bad, which so far they haven't. I'm not sure it even really matters at this point if she wins by a little or a lot; either way, the GOP will spend the next 4 years doing the horrible shit they do. She

Nooooooooo!!! Man that sucks. This was one of my most anticipated shows, because I love Star Trek, but I've always felt it could be more visually arresting and have a better, darker sense of humor. I guess his touch will still be in the scripts, but I was really excited to see what he'd do with it visually.