
I've always thought I was pretty smart. Didn't realize that meant I didn't have to pay taxes! Wow that's great to know!

Cool! If you like it, thanks! If you don't, sorry!

Please note I said "decent" and not "good". I also liked Brian Wilson's Imagination a lot, so my opinion might not be the most reliable!

Yep! And now you all know my secret identity. Don't, like, credit fraud me or anything!

Good thinking! Though there's actually some decent stuff on their 2012 album.

When I was seven I think my favorite band was The Magic Organ*, so I'm in no position to talk shit about anyone.

The first CD I ever bought with my own money was The Beach Boys - Still Crusin'.

3rdEyeBlind, 3 Doors Down, 311.

Why vote for the middle man? I'm casting my vote for Lord Xrtipx Trwaie, Regent of Mars!

Though, if the moderator is a referee, then doesn't that mean they have to say whether something is or isn't true? They don't just say "Well both teams say the point is theirs, so we'll just let the audience decide what they personally think the score should be."

It's beyond stupid. So we're just going to have 90 minutes of "That's a lie" "No it's not" "Yes it is" "No it's not" "Nuh uh" "Uh huh". At least we'll know what the fall of an empire looks like up close!

I've got a feeling it's gonna start oscillating faster once the debates start. Plus, Trump will probably try some insane ploy right before the election that will either backfire wonderfully or actually work and doom us all. So none of this matters till then!

If Trump wins, (which is looking a little less likely now thank goodness,) then the GOP would probably have the Senate and House too, and then the SC shortly after. After years and years of gridlock, we'll suddenly have a super productive government again! Problem is, they'll be super efficient at undoing and

Has everyone already done the "Which three fictional characters are you?" meme yet?

If you want to be able to change the current political framework, you should be supporting Hillary with everything you've got. Hillary will nominate SC justices that would help overturn Citizens United, and strike down GOP voter disenfranchisement laws, so that in future elections actual liberals, with less


Randy Newman. Had a sudden interest to revisit his early albums. Enjoyably cynical and sarcastic!

There is a potential bright spot to Trump's rise in the polls I'd like to point out - earlier when he was losing, a lot of the GOP fundraising money was getting sent downballot because they figured he was a lost cause. Now that he's doing better, they'll have to split that money, and then if he drops in the polls

I agree that Hillary winning means the Dems most likely lose in 2020, and it'd make me feel better about this election, if it wasn't for the Supreme Court. Replacing Scalia with another Scalia wouldn't be the end of the world, but losing Ginsberg or Kennedy to a 2nd Scalia would have the potential to ruin America for

Same here. I've had most news sites blocked on my computer for a long time, (I edit my hosts file, so if I reflexively go to a page, it just shows an error,) and today I finally had to block twitter and 538 as well. I'd block facebook too but it actually breaks a lot of other sites, due to ad tracking. I was