
Are these from Tati's Traffic? I should really rewatch that…

If we're talking about songs that loudly play over and over in your head despite everything you do to get rid of them, then pretty much any pop song can get lodged in for a day or two if I hear it often enough in a short time period. Though I think I'd give a slight viral edge to anything by Maroon 5, especially

If you're staying in Hell's Kitchen you should check out the MAD museum since it's pretty close by. It's not huge but they have cool exhibits. You can even walk from there across Central Park to the Met, which is a super awesome museum maybe you've heard of it. And then once you're at the Met there are like 50

What were some of your favorite deep cuts? Any surprisingly good hidden gems from the post-Emancipation era?

People often come by to lend a hand, but then they forget to return later and get it back.

Middle Right

Hmm, I'd say Flourescences, Space Moth, Nothing To Do With Me, Ping Pong, Cybele's Reverie, Spark Plug, Infinity Girl, Valley Hi!, and Slow Fast Hazel. So, mostly the mid-period poppy stuff, but Stereolab is pretty unique among the bands I like, that I can put on pretty much any of their albums and happily listen to

Me too, but that wasn't the question : )

Scrolling through my library, these are some of my favorite musical millennials:

It's a sad fact of the world that sometimes, being a shitty person can make you a better artist. Being in touch with one's dark side can give you a better perspective on the light. Given his past, songs like "Give Peace a Chance", "Imagine", "All You Need is Love", etc weren't just hippie sentiment, they were also

Favorite Paul song: "Martha My Dear"
Favorite John song: "Across the Universe"
Favorite George song: "Something"
Favorite Ringo song: "Octopus's Garden"

Been listening to the new Deerhoof repeatedly. I also recently became obsessed with 70's Genesis, everything from Trespass to The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. And then the rest of the time I usually put on something by Yasutaka Nakata, J-Pop producer for Capsule, Perfume, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, etc. (Though his recent

Yes, using this simple rule of thumb - if it hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, then it's the moon, while if you can put it /on/ a big pizza pie, it's ham! I almost never get it wrong with this rule.

I mostly agree with this. I didn't dislike TFA, but it felt hollow to me. I actually preferred the prequels - they might be incredibly dumb, but the world still felt epic and open in a way I just didn't get with TFA. TFA might be a more intelligently made movie, but as Hulk says, it's so caught up in launching us

Wait, I could've sworn he died a couple months ago. This just happened? Have things gotten to the point where I just assume all the awesome people are already dead?

While I'm concerned that a Clinton presidency could lead to a Republican backlash in 2020, (there's almost no chance it won't), I still don't think letting Trump win in the hopes of a Democratic sweep in 2020 would be a good idea, for two main reasons:
1) Supreme Court, obviously. Trump getting to remake a potential

I was starting to lose faith after the delays and the NX stuff, (just tell us what it is already!), but I'm 100% back on board now.

Whoa, the season 6 finale was only a year ago? It feels like it's been years since Community was still an active thing. I've loved and moved on from like a dozen other shows since then.

In a way I still haven't really grasped that he's actually dead. It's like my mind is frozen in the pre-confirmation state, where it was still possible it was a hoax/bad info. Like if I just check the right website, I'll find an article like "Here's Why Everyone Thought Prince Died But Actually He's Totally Fine".

And Hillary is secretly a centrist conservative - we've been criss-crossed! It's the Freaky Friday of elections!