
I feel like all these conversations about representation are just transferences of the real issue - that white men still predominantly hold the reins of representation in media. If an Asian director wanted Tilda as the Ancient One in her movie, would people still care? If POC had a fair share of the media landscape,

I'd say the same, except I'll still need Hulu/Showtime to watch the new Twin Peaks. How else will I be able to watch Micheal Cera and Trent Reznor talk about their favorite coffee?

Oh and I finished Daredevil. S'ok, think I prefer Agent Carter though.

Watched a Jacques Demy marathon on Hulu, consisting of Donkey Skin, The Pied Piper, and Young Girls of Rochefort. (In order of increasing excellence.) Umbrellas of Cherbourg was of course already a favorite of mine, but seeing all of these together made me realize just how much I love his films. The gorgeous sets

Jon Anderson's solo album Olias of Sunhollow is about building an ancient spacefaring vessel to spread consciousness across the galaxy. (I think) If you love Yes like I do (which is a lot) then this album is definitely worth a listen. Also Yes's "Starship Trooper". Maybe all Yes songs are about UFOs?

Yeah, thinking more about it, I guess he should have pretty detailed plans at this point, now that he's been a serious candidate for many months. Maybe this interview will be a wake up call for him to get a team together and actually figure this stuff out. Then again, maybe he's been an Independent so long he doesn't

Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the link! I guess I instinctively cut him so much slack because he's the only one saying we should do the things we absolutely have to do. Like, if all the candidates took a math test and answered "What's 2+2?", the republicans would say "God" or just draw a smiley face, Hillary's answer

Am I missing something? I thought that was actually a pretty great interview. I agreed with pretty much everything he said. Was it something specific?

I'll be old enough to be President in 2024, so I guess it's all up to me to become America's first gay socialist President! Do you think it'll matter that I'm not particularly likable or good at speaking? I mean, look how close Trump got…

Sigh. Really wish there was more than one option for "socialism is not a bad thing, and is in fact an indispensable tool for creating a fair and just society" besides Bernie. I'm tired of having to choose between "I'm insane and I hate minorities but I love Jesus" and "Social progress is great, but let's make sure

Guess it's all up to Seeso now!

Does anyone else here play Stardew Valley and if so would you like to invest in my startup where I ship you real life produce for free based on what you grow in-game? Yes I realize this business plan will put us millions of dollars in debt but it shouldn't prevent us from having a really strong IPO as long as we

GIF has a hard G rating, for suggestive family situations. It rhymes with knife, however the invisible T at the end is also pronounced.

Every episode of "I Dream of Jeannie", duh.

Whew! Apparently, from his statement, he was definitely going to run if Sanders had gotten the nomination. I would've been sooooo pissed. Based on how he ran NYC, his presidency probably would've gone like: ban all sodas, ban all hippies, force everyone to stand up at all times, replace all public monuments in DC

Meaning he's more left, or more right? Personally, I even consider Sanders more center-left than left-left, so moderate is still a pretty subjective idea. My parents probably consider Trump to be a moderate.

"I wish the next president was a conservative only because we had Obama for eight years and we need balance."

2016 - The Democrat
2012 - Obama
2008 - Obama
2004 - Kerry
2000 - Bush (Let me explain! I grew up in South Carolina and had just turned 18 and was very very stupid.)

I brought up Trump to my mom, expecting her to be like "oh yeah i'll never vote for him, what a sleazeball." Instead she said she absolutely would, anything to defeat Hillary, who "let soldiers get murdered and raped while they begged for help" in benghazi. She then hung up on me. That has never happened before in

Is that actually true though? Turnout for Dems has been relatively low so far, for both Hillary and Bernie. Meanwhile a huge swath of the country that almost never votes is really fucking excited for Trump, because he's "anti-establishment". (They don't count capitalism as part of the establishment, I guess.) The