
This is fantastic! I recently watched the ep of DS9 he wrote and thought to myself, "he'd be an amazing choice, but it'll never happen. They'll just get McG or something instead."

"the wacky world of Dan Harmon". ugh. maybe it's just residual anger from his gross Twitter behaviour, but HarmonQuest just seems self-indulgent and lazy to me. It was funny on the podcast for awhile, but c'mon, maybe turn off Minecraft and put some effort into something for once. Also, "Starring …Erin McGathy…".

Ooo they're still looking for a writer - this could be my big break!

I was like, "I don't remember the episode where Mindy sets her hair on fire, but everyone else seems to!"

Last year I dressed up as Honey Whitlock from John Waters' Cecil B. Demented (this scene) but everyone thought I was Mindy from Mork and Mindy so that's why I don't dress up as characters anymore.

I saw it a few days ago. My initial thoughts were mixed, but after thinking about it awhile, I still feel mixed but slightly more positive. It was much sillier than I expected, especially the beginning, and the script could've definitely used a bit more work.

Last night I watched the first episode of Over The Garden Wall. Then I immediately watched the other 9 episodes. I'm so glad that got made - it was everything I want from my Halloween-week entertainment. Now to convince everyone I know to watch it before the 31st! (After which point I'm only allowed to watch

Wow. That behavior is inexcusable and embarrassing, and makes me glad Erin got out when she did. (Can you imagine Dan raising a child? Yikes!) This is way worse than the Chevy thing, and while Dan has been no saint in the past, he's finally crossed the line where I'm now ashamed to like the things he's written. He

One of my all time favorite shows! The episode with Janeane Garofalo is a classic, but they're all good. Sad the show was so short-lived, but at least the three of them remain highly active. So like, where can I watch this show now?

Even more than "Modern Warfare", it was the chloroform scene that cemented Community as my favorite show. (I was still recovering from the loss of Flight of the Conchords.) Little did I realize how much more was still to come!

I like the new song, and am super excited for the album, though I'm probably the only person in the world (including Jeff Lynne) who wants the new album to be in the vein of Time/Balance of Power/Xanadu. I mean, is there anything more 80s-sounding than the first 10 seconds of Twilight? Makes me want to crack open a

I thought that scene was hilarious, I thought the show was horrible, I thoroughly enjoyed the first half, fitfully enjoyed the second half, I'm probably going to watch more episodes, and also I hated Glee.

I'm super excited that the reviews for this have been so great, but I'm pretty conflicted about the Kickstarter aspect of it. Having the team be like "We made a movie totally outside the studio system that you can't see until Paramount says it's ok!" seems sort of…misleading? Some more screenshots or better

Ah, well I'd sort of like to nationalize Amtrak, but liking Putin is a bit iffy, though granted no one rides a bear quite like him. Withdrawing from Nato though seems pretty crazy.
Maybe he'll still do good by shifting the conversation a bit? Be all like "Ha ha crazy liberal ideas!" and then his successor can be all

I do think the whole left/right dynamic does us a great disservice. Why would political belief be a 1-dimensional system? It puts a lot of interesting compromises out of the discussion. In the US at least, some of that is due to the two-party system, but then again, humanity /loves/ to make things binaries, when

Oh man meee toooo. But they probably won't, since the whole vegetable-pulling mechanic is just too different from all the others. I'd also love a yoshi's island pack as well, but that's even less likely. World maps would be great, but that'd take a whole other creation mode. Maybe just slopes? Or keys/locked

How so? I don't know much about UK politics, but he sort of seems like a British Bernie Sanders, which would be a great thing. /Anything/ that indicates even the briefest pause in humanity's deathmarch right-ward is a good thing at this point. Or am I missing some difference between the US and UK left?

I like Rainmaker although I tend to freeze up when I actually grab it. Playing Ranked Mode makes me really anxious cause I worked hard to get to rank B, and I don't wanna go back down to the minuses! I use the bucket which is awesome, (I think of it like a shotgun that can reach ledges well). I also really

I know that show! That show is great!

Fun fact about Let It Be: Aside from a few record executives, no one has ever heard Let It Be all the way through. In the early 70s people were constantly rushing to their record players so they could skip Let It Be and flip to the other side with the far more popular For You Blue. The Beatles never even heard the