

Does anyone have a GIF of Britta saying "Absurrrrrrd reaction!"?
Because I want that GIF.

I'm gonna post my top 3 from each season, bc NO ONE CAN STOP ME:
S1: Modern Warfare, Pilot, everything else is tied
S2: Human Memory, Epidemiology, Abed's Xmas
S3: Digital Estate Planning, Chaos Theory, Virtual Systems
S4: Blah. Herstory, Anatomy, Paranormal. Whatevs.
S5: G.I. Jeff, Geothermal Escapism, Polygraphy

Good to know! I will keep my whitelist enabled then.

Does adblock actually cost websites money? I thought that at first, but then I was thinking, if adblock is just hiding the content with CSS, but your browser is still downloading the ad, how would the advertisers even know? It's not like I'd ever click on an ad anyway, and most ads make me want to buy the product

The finale was great - too great in fact, because it both served as the perfect ending for the show, and was such a good episode that now I want more episodes. How am I to deal with this conflicted desire?!? Getting what I want will ruin what I have. Maybe a totally separate spinoff, or a movie set prior to the

Loved: Emails, Sci-Fi movie, Honda, RV
Liked a lot: Ladders, Wedding, Crisis Room
Liked: All the others
Hated: Prisoner iPads.

Fred: "Mornin' Bill. Heard the boss has you working the Kraft account with the new guy."
Bill: "Yeah. I gotta say Fred, the new guy makes me uncomfortable. I think he might be a bit…"
Fred: "…likely to buy a giant hand on eBay?"
/Bill puts his finger on his nose/

I recently started watching The Flash. Why didn't anyone mention that it stars young John Mulaney, and where did he get his time machine, and why didn't he use it to warn his older self about his sitcom?

I have a really weak stomach that doesn't like dairy, sugar, coffee, alcohol, oil, spice, onions/garlic, or red meat. (All the good stuff.) It's extremely difficult to find meals that won't make me feel sick or give me heartburn later, so yes, if I could just get rid of my entire digestive system at the cost of

Hmm, I can sort of sympathize with the writer. I too hate eating, mostly because it's something I /have/ to do, and when I do eat, it usually makes me sleepy and unproductive. I mean, I love having a nice meal at a restaurant, but when I'm trying to get work done during the day, and have to either spend 1-2 hours

I liked the RV episode, didn't love it, but I think it might improve on rewatch.

This episode was fantastic! The last three episodes have all been classic Community - creative, hilarious, full of emotional depth. I hope the season can keep up this winning streak!

Another great episode! I'm so glad this season seems to have found its footing. That's three strong episodes in a row, making that prisoner iPad one a hopefully singular exception to what's been a strong season.

Someone should make a version of Jared Leto Joker where the tattoos are from the Sony email - "Tough Mudder" across his face, "EDM" all over his chest, "Hot Yoga" on his arm. You get it, I don't think I need to actually open up Photoshop here. Just hold that image in your mind a few seconds and then let it go, meme

I never thought of veganism as extreme exercise before, but I guess that makes….sense?…..

It's not the form factor that matters, it's the contents. Just get an everything burrito - it has /all/ the food groups. It's right there in the name!

Apparently the original line was "kettle drum", aka a tympani, which is clearly not what Frankie was playing. Just a mistake in the script.

I really don't understand why people are so down on this season. It might not be as good as s2/s3, but it's definitely at least as good as s1, quite possibly better, and it's certainly still one of the best comedies on "tv" at the moment. It's well-written, clever, ambitious, has a great cast - what's not to like?

Hmmmmmmmm, not sure about this one. I've always preferred the concept episodes, but S6 seems to work best when it sticks to pizza. Of course, most of the pizza episodes still have weird premises, so this one could be more grounded than the trailer makes it seem. It would be nice to explore what Abed's goals are at