
Good episode! Not everything worked, and the end sort of peters out, but there were a lot of good character moments. Feels like Britta is the main character this season - she's definitely been getting more screen time than Jeff.

Whoa, I didn't realize they were in both films together until right now. They should totally start advertising Ex Machina as a prequel, since it would easily be the best of the prequels.

I've had it for three months now and so far it's definitely been worth it. Soooo much content, although sometimes it's a pain to browse, especially if you're trying to follow an event across multiple titles. But since I didn't know much about Marvel comics at all before, it's been great to be able to just pick

On rewatch, I still really like this episode, and think it stands with S2-3. On the other hand, it reinforces that a lot of the other eps this season have been sort of disappointing. I'm still enjoying it overall, but it's definitely not as tight and ambitious as it used to be. (Will the campus-wide email leak have

Wes Anderson's brain.

I looked it up - "Ex Machina will end the weekend with around $625k (for a solid over/under $16k per-screen-average) and a new cume of around $950k. It’s a solid expansion for a terrific movie that goes somewhat wide next weekend."

Where's Ex Machina on this list? Ex Machina was really good!

It reminded me of Star Trek hyposprays:
"The mind probe was in there too long, if I wake him up it could kill him"
"Do it"
*Patient wakes up, tells them what they need to know, is fine, goes back to sleep*

Hmm, I guess it doesn't bother me as much that all the characters have stalled out, and Greendale is now basically their purgatory. I actually find that a bit more realistic. Contrast it with the finale of Parks and Rec (which I also liked,) where pretty much everyone who worked at a small city government office

Never apologize for your love. Hold onto it and cherish it, for it shall bring you light in dark times.

I really like the new episode! Possibly the best of the season so far, and a huge relief after that last episode. The structure felt much more S2-3, even if the execution isn't always as tight. Initial impression: A-, 8.1/10, 4 stars, Would Watch Again

I won't be up either cause I have a cold. I've actually found watching the episodes the next day gives me a productivity boost, because I don't want to risk reading anything about the ep till I watch it, so I end up wasting less time on the internet.

Merry New Community Episode Eve everyone! I hope Harmon Claus brings us all a fun new episode and not a lump of coal like last week's episode!

I dunno, I really liked it.
Grade: A!

Hmm, the new episode is…not great. I hate being negative, but after a strong start with "Ladders", the writing this season seems pretty lazy. Isn't one of Harmon's primary writing tips to ensure that no matter how crazy things get, emotions still track logically? Because I'm not seeing that in this ep.

For people having issues with Yahoo Screen - quality in my browser was really bad, but I switched to the Xbox360 app and quality has been great. Although, I've yet to see a single ad - why is everyone else getting ads? Not that I /miss/ them…

Yeah, I'm being tolerant of characters just being around for now, since I'm assuming everyone will get their moments later in the season, but it's possible they won't and then I'll revise my opinions. But I hope they do!

Hmmm, they all felt in-character to me, but I guess that just shows how subjective the reality of fictional characters is. Like there's a Venn diagram, with the writers' conception of the character in the middle, and then each viewer draws a circle around the actions and behaviors they think are believable, and

Sheesh you guys are downers. I really liked the episode! Frankie continues to be a great addition, the Dean texting bits were hilarious, and Gillian Jacobs nailed the physical comedy. (I liked that you didn't know what happened at first.) The only real issue I had is that Elroy is still not integrated very well,

I just got MU a couple months ago and I've really been enjoying it so far. I never really read comics growing up so it's been a great way to catch up. So far I've really enjoyed the Joss Whedon X-Men run, the early 80s Claremont X-Men, and Frank Miller's Daredevil.