
I love Age of Adz. Not only is it my favorite Sufjan album, I think it's one of the best albums released in the past 5 years or so. It's definitely an under appreciated masterpiece.

These aren't necessarily what I think of as the best, but more the things that would make me happiest to have around.

The last episode of Firefly is the best one!

Who became Tiny Andy Dick! And you just know the writers were making tons of "Pierce and his Tiny Dick" jokes.

The first script is basically a season 4 episode. So that's the Dan Harmon secret - rewrite in passes, as many times as possible, because it can always be better. And then take Adderall and rewrite it some more.

I refreshed the page again and now all dogs are blue.

Maybe Disqus was sending us a sign - things can be unexpectedly taken away, and they can be unexpectedly brought back. Just keep refreshing the page of life! Or maybe never refresh, so nothing can ever change or go away! Or maybe Disqus is just crap software.

That was a reply to someone, and now you'll never know who.

Yeah, that's not what you were saying what I bought all these cabbages. There's no turning back - you start something you finish it. The kids will learn to deal with it someday.

Community/Parks and Rec replaced by The Biggest Loser. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT.

Sounds like he's not quite ready to talk about it yet, that's understandable. Anything that could happen is out of his hands, so it's probably healthy for him to be looking forward. If only Sony had a drunken podcast, so we could get an idea of what /they/ were thinking!

I'm Narrowstrife. I've been a lurker here since the beginning, or at least since episode 4 or so. I make websites, video games (hopefully), and music. (Google "vacation transportation bandcamp" if you'd like to hear some of it.) I live in Brooklyn which is totally cliche for my personality type, but what are you

Welp, that did it. Getting to the end of that article and seeing the picture of Pierce's empty chair, that got me crying a bit.

"Rob Schrab @RobSchrab

"I'm a Bad Judge and even I realize this doesn't make sense! Oh well, hope you like cold spaghettios, random kid!"

"Bad Judge centers on wild child Rebecca Wright (Walsh), who happens to be one of LA’s toughest and most respected criminal court judges. She’s far from ready to settle down … except when an 8-year-old boy — whose parents she put in jail — needs her help."

Oh good let me get my hopes up, yes, I'll just put them right here on this burning table underneath this giant hammer, next to these rabid were-rats. While I'm at it let me gently rest my balls on this bear trap while I see if I can put the pin back into this grenade. There, now I'm nice and comfortable, perfect.

Yeah, I'm mostly unhappy about how the show ends now - with Chang's stupid diamond teeth, a dumb "shrug to camera" look from Abed, the now very ill-advised NBC tag. Not a fitting way for the show to end at all.


Seriously though, if it's GUF or Community, seems like that would mean we've got a good shot? Don't they basically only have one 1/2 comedy slot left?