
Is it really down to either Growing Up Fisher or Community getting renewed now? So it's like the Hunger Games of low-rated comedies?

"Soon, we shall be covered with wheat"
"Did you say wheat?"
Together: "Wheat."

Hollywood Game Night! Hollywood Charades Night! Hollywood Jigsaw Puzzle Night! Hollywood Macaroni Picture Night! Hollywood Red Rover Red Rover I'm Coming Over Night!

If you haven't seen it before - Being There. It's great.

Where did Edward Scissorhands go? : ( Can I still write it in for every match?

Episode 26 - "Z is for Zoinks, We Really Messed Up When We Greenlit a Show With Such a Dumb High-Concept Premise"

I wish I could take a break from the internet but I'm a work-from-home web developer with a huge project to finish so I'm stuck here for good.

So, like, are they still deciding? Or has the decision been made and they just don't care enough to announce it? I really don't understand how these things work.

Does Hulu having the rebroadcast rights prevent Netflix from acquiring the show? I don't understand why Hulu, owned by NBC, would buy rights to a show that NBC is cancelling.

I'm literally sick too but that's because I have a cold.

It's obviously the Chris McKenna from the Darkest Timeline, who never got to write for Community and instead spends all his time escaping from the Tittyfuck gangs that roam the desolate and radioactive streets of Old Los Angeles.

It certainly got quiet didn't it. NBC must have fallen asleep after renewing SVU.

It's not all bad news - Dads has been cancelled!

If Community is dead it will be soooooo dissatisfying for Basic Sandwich to be the end of the story. The Season 3 finale worked well as a wrap-up, but this one is just too random, flip, and meta to work as a series finale.

Sounds like a good opportunity for some Cronenberg - "See kids, your bodies are a horrible alien nightmare of corruption and decay!"

Should have bought some lobbyists instead of all these stupid henchmen. And now thanks to Obamacare my henchmen health costs are through the roof!

Law Abiding Villain: "Curse you Batman! I was going to immerse you in boiling acid but that's apparently against workplace safety regulations, so instead I will vote to weaken the social safety net, which I realize will have little effect on you with your immense wealth and all but I have to work within the confines

From what I understand, Chaotic just means the person doesn't have a higher authority (god/government/chivalry code) that they follow - they just do what they feel like. Whether they feel like doing good things or bad things is the other axis.

Tweeting it!

He's so dreamy - those eyes, that ascot, that used car salesman jacket, those giant letters floating around his head… I just KNOW he'll ask me to go steady soon!