
I will vote for Badlands in any competition that it's in, because it is my #1 70's film. The next 4 slots are all Fellini films. (Speaking of, where is he in these polls? Amarcord! Roma! Orchestra Rehearsal!)

1. G.I. Jeff
2. Basic Story
3. Cooperative Polygraphy
4. Bondage
5. Repilot
6. VCR
7. BIN
8. Geothermal Escapism
9. Intro to Teaching
10. Cork
11. App Development
12. AAD&D
13. Basic Sandwich

From this season -
"Thanks for making my joke accurate, now it's hilarious."

Probably G.I. Jeff, or maybe even Basic Story depending on the finale. I've loved the whole season though, possibly even more than other seasons. For me there wasn't really a bum episode at all, while previous years had at least a couple not-great ones. It would have been nice to get 5 more "normal" episodes with

I thought the Abed plotline was written fine, (and I loved the camera jokes - I'm a sucker for jokes that deconstruct cinematic reality,) but Danny's performance was pitched way too high. That "Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong" scene would've worked better if he had just been quietly mumbling it to himself in a

"G.I.Jeff": You don't get to be a super hero when you grow up, you just get old.

"Thanks for making my joke accurate, now it's hilarious."

I thought the new episode was fantastic. After this and the GIJeff episode, this is really starting to be my favorite season. Brilliant concepts, a solid emotional core, writing that almost always thinks a step ahead, great jokes - the only thing that could make this show better would be having more episodes!

If necessary, Harmon can just roll Community S6 into Rick and Morty S3 - R&M travel to the Greendaleverse, Chang steals the portal gun, Rick becomes a science teacher… Obviously Christopher Lloyd would be live action Rick, but who would play Morty?

"Annie's Totally Under Control Hanukkah"

After watching the new episode two more times, I definitely love it, and it has a good chance of being my favorite of the season. It connected with me in a way the other concept episodes didn't, (and I've never even seen G.I. Joe), and I felt it made fantastic use of the genre shift. Most shows would have had

Blah. I feel like at this point, cancellation is almost certain, and our only shot at S6 is something like Netflix/Hulu. Which certainly isn't impossible, but who knows what all the cast contracts are like.

I really loved G.I. Jeff, at least at first impression. I loved that the plot revolves around the introduction of mortality into a nostalgic, infantile world - very Joseph Campbell, having to abandon your childhood and be reborn with the knowledge/acceptance of death. They even had a character refusing to leave the

I'm excited for the GI Joe episode! It feels like something they made because they wanted to, whereas D&D2 seemed like they made it cause they felt like they should, not because they particularly felt inspired. I also really enjoyed the preview clip with Britta as Buzzkill (and would watch an entire show of her as

Tyrion crawls out from under a pile of corpses.
"Hooray, I did it! I'm the last surviving human in all of Westeros! Yippee!"
He trips and falls into a dragon and dies. The end.

Comedy Bang Bang gets renewed….for FORTY EPISODES. Why not just renew for 2 seasons? Who knows!

Wasn't "G.I. Jeff" first referred to as "Art of Disaster"? That sounds a lot more like a Community title, so I'm dubious about these new titles. Although "Basic Story" does have a Dan Harmon feel to it and follows the class name formula, so maybe that one's legit, but if G.I. Jeff is real I'll eat my hat. (It's made

I'm setting my expectations pretty low for this one, since Harmon has pretty much said this was the script that gave them the most trouble. Doesn't mean it won't be good, but unless they really did the Hale Mary (is that the right phrase? i don't know football) this episode probably won't have the tight construction

Britta's gonna sleep her way to the top of the Psychiatry field.