
You just made me realize I desperately need a David Lynch-style Community episode. Chang would suddenly make so much more sense…

I'm convinced there will be one more instance of that joke this season, probably an EVERYOOOONNNEEEE. Cause, you know, rule of threes!

Ooo I bet that's the Tim & Eric episode.

What if the Downvoter…is Harmon himself!

Same here, I cringe every time I watch that scene. Plus, there was a metal bar right at ankle level, so there's no way that didn't hurt a lot, especially with arms folded. It takes me out of the moment every time. Maybe they had a joke there, but the tone didn't work in editing?

"U mad?" - Q

Actually, this makes me wonder - will Abed be keeping track of Troy's voyage with the GPS device?

Troy sails into the Bermuda Triangle and fights aliens with Amelia Earhart and her wise-cracking talking cat.

At least for me, this episode suffered a bit from being overhyped. I liked it a lot, but I probably enjoyed the Fincher parody more, just because it was more or less a total surprise, and i didn't have expectations going in that it would be the "BEST EPISODE EVER".

No one watches television anymore. Vine is now the dominant form of popular culture. And not even Vine in general, just one Vine - a kitten wearing a mustache, kicking a guy in the crotch, while "Don't Stop Believing" plays in the background. It will loop forever and ever, standing as mankind's greatest artistic

I really like this song too. It's funny that the S4 puppet episode got a rejected Maroon 5 demo, while S5 gets a Ben Folds original. I feel like that's a good indicator of the quality difference between S4 and S5. If it's not budgetary, is Dan Harmon just better at convincing cool people to do stuff for the show?

Ohhhh, I've even seen Frances Ha (and loved it) and I completely forgot about that scene.

Did you recently see Mauvais Sang or something? Because I saw it at Film Forum last night, and it's weird that you just referenced it. Are you…stalking me?

Can someone watch the new Community promo and let me know exactly how spoilery it is? I don't mind a little spoilage but I don't want to be super spoiled but I want to watch the promo. Oh boy what a dilemma!

"The hiiiiiillllls are aliiiiive, with the sound of…..fuck. LINE!"

It's not bad, just a bit too safe. I mainly wish I had bought the physical copy instead of digital, because I don't foresee playing it again and would like to trade it in.

Was anyone else disappointed with the new 3DS Zelda? I just found the last Sage, and so far it's been ok, but it all feels a bit empty. The graphics are great but I wish they had come up with something newer rather than slavishly copy LTTP. And it's not like WindWaker HD where they fix annoyances to make a better

I was totally into it as well, but I'm also a fairly diehard Adult Swim acolyte, I adore Tim and Eric, etc, so I guess I get that it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. It certainly doesn't have the heart that Community has, but I nonetheless thought it was hilarious, and am excited to see more.

I was just thinking about Zelda II last night (while playing Wind Waker.) Specifically I was thinking it would potentially be awesome for the next big Zelda to incorporate some of the ideas from II - magic spells, lots of tiny towns, and most importantly the 2D fighting/platforming. Like, the game would still be

It wasn't really a "true" Harmontown so much as a Rick & Morty promotional event, but since I'm a fan of Justin Roiland I still thought it was hilarious. (And I'm really excited for the show.) Hopefully John Oliver will make it to one of the Nerdmelt shows, which would be more conducive to having a conversation than