
And now having watched the episode, this is definitely in the top for me. Jesse Moynihan has really been on fire this year.

Boy, that giant overcompressed image really looks great. I love being able to see those JPEG artifacts in such high detail. What a perfect redesign! END SARCASM

As a professional website developer, it is my professional opinion that this website redesign sucks mightily. It's cluttered, obtuse, poorly organized, ugly, confusing, uses space poorly, has terrible fung shui, and smells bad.

I love all the albums, so there's a pretty small difference between my favorites. But while I love all the songs on '77, the pre-Eno sound just wasn't there for me yet. (Although Tina Weymouth's bass is fantastic.) True Stories is a weaker album, but I love the movie so much it gets a ranking bonus, More Songs is

Ooo let me try!

AV Club music reviews from the vault:

Did the reviewer even actually listen to the album?  Did she have it on in the background while vacuuming, or overhear it in a grocery store?

This sucks, but I don't think it'll end up being /that/ bad.  As long as Glover still commits to the episodes he's in and doesn't check out early, 5 out of 13 is still almost half the season.  Plus, there are plenty of interesting directions the show could go with this, especially since season 5 will likely concern

Ok, that is straight up offensive and uncalled for.  Erin's post was lovely and honest, and this is how Libby felt the need to respond?

So in the future music will sound like Sleigh Bells crossed with the NES Metroid intro theme?

Hey, after all the official confirmations today, still no mention of this being the final season!  #SixSeasonsAndAMovieAfterAllMaybe

Yikes, seeing all these B plots together in one place…  Can I just put them all at the bottom?

So it's like Zebraman 2, but without the wackiness or visual flair?

The one on this page.  I thought the finale was actually pretty good (I gave it a B+).  The D should've gone to the puppet episode.  In general, my opinions for this season have sharply diverged from Todd's.

Last week I had a sudden desire to replay Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.  Turns out they're still great!  The art actually holds up pretty well, especially if you play on an emulator with the resolution turned up.

If they actually listened to Harmontown, they'd see (hear?) he even has a segment called "Stuff I'm Not Allowed to Complain About", so it's not like he isn't self-aware about his privilege. But it's far easier to complain about things than embrace and understand them.

I think my objection to this episode (my most hated episode by far), is best exemplified by Troy's sudden mention of Prof. Duncan while they were crashing.  It completely breaks the emotional reality of the scene, and also is more of a meta reference than an actual joke.  As far as I'm concerned, Community can do

Oh you guys it wasn't that bad.  Certainly nowhere near as bad as the puppet episode.

It's interesting how divisive this episode is.  We need a Jeff speech to bring us all back together!

I mean, I love the Muppets too, but that doesn't change the fact that this was a very poorly done homage, in terms of it fitting into the show's universe.  You don't have to violate continuity, or have characters acting completely illogically in order to do a genre ep.  In fact, the whole reason previous Community