
Oooo.  Im going to make that next week

It’s the performance that even those who dislike The Family Stone tend to agree is the best thing about the movie.”

Beverly Johnson’s claims have resurfaced. Oh wow, if true, he's a monster:

I imagine some NBC exec involved with the relaunch of Law and Order is now hastily doing a precautionary background check of Sam Waterston. Just in case.

I read through that entire column and didn’t see a mention of Sly anywhere.

maybe they were at a place in their healing that they could talk about it, and seeing his face so much recently made them want to finally speak out. the thing with sexual violence is that it can take decades before you begin to process it, and instead you just cope with it as best you can. I hope one day I have the

I just... what? What a shitty defense. If HR comes to you THREE YEARS in a ROW and tells you you’re the problem, why double down with “well I didn’t physically hurt anyone”??? Ugh. 

The Goldbergs is definitely set in the 1980's. Garlin may be the biggest name on the cast, but is a pretty minor character in the show. Murray can just be assumed to be watching TV in his underwear and not engaging with anyone and not much will change with the show.

I mean, if you can roll through a $1200 surprise, more power to you...

I’m kind of amazed for an order that large the business didn’t call with an “are you sure?”

Glad to see the father just rolled with it and didn’t try to get out of the order. Nice for the business too. I’d still feed my kid to the Dingoes tho.

Kansas isn't the south.

Cause everyone is a walking stereotype of the worst parts of people who look like them?

I don’t think the show tries to hide it too much--he seems to understand the concept of imperialism and why it’s bad. White liberal dudes from the South are pretty rare, but they do exist.

Always Sunny did it first

Community did it!

We are probably overthinking it. After all Infinity Stones are the ultimate Deux Ex Machina - they can do whatever you want them to do so if Hulk wanted everyone to come back safely they did and all the extra food needed materialised along with them. And after that the life went on - just like with our pandemic it was

The last Expanse novel was good.

Or non-fiction? Some of us enjoy reading about history and science and stuff rather than stories.

Any plans for a list that isn’t just literary fiction? There’s tons of great SF and fantasy out there.