Okay yeah but Star Wars is NOT a real thing so that was absolutely a reference to Office Space.
Okay yeah but Star Wars is NOT a real thing so that was absolutely a reference to Office Space.
The revelation that Mando is basically a Hasidic Mandalorian, and most Mandalorians are a bit more secular and don’t take the Way too literally, was a pretty brilliant twist. Mando appears to be struggling with his faith in the same way one of my old Orthodox Jewish coworkers did after a divorce — he eventually…
I bought it because one thing I’ve been conditioned by nearly all the movies is the Empire is riddled with hubris and incompetence. The Mandalorian has also done a great job indicating how utterly disposable cannon fodder Stormtroopers are to Imperial officers.
Maybe they’re literal racists. Like you gotta prove you’re human under there and not, like, a short Wookie. Or three Jawas in a Stormtrooper suit.
My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.
Ha, I missed that, but now I’m wondering why they wouldn’t assume he’s just another stormtrooper.
I liked the prison break episode overall, but MAN was that a waste of Clancy Brown. . . !
I agreee on the other Burr episode. Even Clancy Brown kind of sucked in that one. Clancy Brown never sucks.
What’s particularly weird about that is Richard Brake IS British! Why he was doing his “3 From Hell” drawl I have no idea.
I’m not big on Burr but I thought he did a great job this episode. I’m glad it was just him though, the other members of the merc group he was with I found more obnoxious than entertaining.
“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.”
The Prequels suck. I am also old, they are just shit movies.
Imperials with Southern accents wierd me out
It would have been far more impactful had he not taken it off until he saved the kid, basically his acknowledgment they are now family.
My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.
I agree the “face scan not as a security measure to make sure you’re an imperial/who you say you are, but instead just to make sure you’re not an outlaw” is inherently dumb.
Mando having to take off the helmet felt very contrived. I knew it was coming after their conversation in the vehicle, but it felt really dumb the way it played out. Like a face scan would be a security check to make sure you are authorized for access, not just require any face.
Line of the episode from Boba, “Let’s just say they’d recognize my face.”
People will probably disagree but I thought this was a better episode than last week. I thought Bill Burr sucked before but he was alright here.