
Rapo has always been a bit creepy. There was also this moment when almost all of the Test Kitchen did a Q&A somewhere and he called upon Priya while calling her Sohla. Not a good look.

Put “Coin Lusting Spinster” on my goddamn gravestone.


In for a penny, in for a pound. I respect the dedication.

Way to shit the bed, Conde Nast. All of these chefs were super talented, though I personally think Sohla was a cut above; such an innovative creator. All you had to do was this crazy new thing called compensating people for their labour and you’d still have content that people would want to watch. But as much as I’ve

Especially after the awful PR of the Rappaport brownface pic. I’d be scrambling to settle this issue and build up goodwill again if I were them.

I think maybe CN haven’t realised that people love the BA Test Kitchen brand because it’s such a wholesome, heartwarming style of entertainment, and treating the content creators like shit doesn’t line up with that too well.

It’s a disgrace. Three extremely talented, charismatic and interesting chefs have left a series where they did great work because the parent company can’t muster the decency to pay them for content they profit off. I hope Krishna, El Waylly and Martinez go on to something fantastic. I loved the BA Test Kitchen and I’m

The videos were a balm for me during rough times. But it’s dead, and it’s for the best, if it can no longer profit off the back’s of its BIPOC workers without fairly compensating them. Sohla’s quote about CN likely no longer attempting to invest in regular people again is very sad but likely on the money, or lack

Wow, her dad sounds like the worst parent since that “Abducted in Plain Sight” doc

Yeeeeah. I was aiming for a tone like that of Stephen Colbert, but I landed on Tucker Carlson. I think the lesson here is to never be impressed with your own writing.

Apparently it was the most profitable thing at Condé Nast. I just don’t understand why they were so stupid in not quickly and easily resolving this and instead it’s, well, dead.

Holy shit, this goes so deep that it almost crosses the other side and comes out looking sincere.

Lemme get this straight...this woman of obvious foreign descent was given an opportunity to work in her natural habitat (a kitchen) to provide meals and smiles to those in need, and instead of exuding gratitude for being allowed to live in the land of the free, the home of the brave, the shining city on the hill, the

Conde Nast: We’ll blow a hole in an incredibly popular and likely profitable division just so we don’t have to treat our employees equally.

Yeah I think Conde Nast overestimated how much people like the Bon Appetite brand. I give them a week and they’ll each have their own YouTube channels while Bon Appetite’s channel will bleed subscribers like a stuck pig.

Condé Nast issued a statement today, asserting that the Bon Appétit video team, “worked individually with each Test Kitchen contributor to address all concerns and communicate equitable compensation structures.”

Yeah that channel is fucking dead. I don’t begrudge the folks who stay there because there’s a goddamn pandemic and I bet some of them fought tooth and nail to even get paid for their stuff - like Andy Baraghani, who only got himself a contract for video at the start of 2020 - but it’s been tainted. The fact that

Smug while being stupid is so irritating. But i think a 22 episode season could have built her into something great. 

Don’t understand THAT any better! lol