I think Stargirl will fit just fine on the CW, like Supergirl did after it moved from CBS to the network that it really should have been on all along.
I think Stargirl will fit just fine on the CW, like Supergirl did after it moved from CBS to the network that it really should have been on all along.
Titans has been really, really disappointing. It has so much potential and it has some really good episodes but I literally don’t remember anything from last season.
Yeah I thought they were going to build up something awesome for her but no they just cast Amy Smart for literally nothing.
Just make a show about Pat and the Cosmic Staff, traveling from town to town solving crimes.
I like how Luke Wilson’s Pat is irresistible to the housewives of the Injustice Society of America.
Definitely has eyes for Barbara
Well, as far as Mike knows Courtney went into the hospital for a car accident shortly after he said those things to her. Tends to put things in perspective.
Episodes 1-6: “this show is moving too fast!”
It seems to me they’re setting up for Jordan to conclude that he should move on with his life and that Barbara is the one he should move on with. (As for the fact that she’s married, well he already explained last episode how he handles a romantic rival.)
For the moment, yes. But it must be SO awkward to tell his very recent partner that he let Courtney drive against her explicit orders and got her seriously hurt, and forced her to cut off her important business trip. And on top of that, he knows that what he’s doing is even worse.
It really makes no sense that Starman could have been Courtney’s dad.
Well, enjoy the rest of this season, folks, because things are about to get real rough. The show has been renewed for season 2 but it’ll only be on CW. Which means a drastically reduced budget, less impressive cinematography, and probably the loss of Luke Wilson or Amy Smart or both. Not to mention the sudden bullshit…
They subtly advanced that plotline this episode, with Dr. Midnight mentioning Pat’s weight gain.
Pat sacrificed the Buick for Courtney!! He loves that kid!
I hope to find a woman who looks at me the way Mike looked at those pizza bites.
C’mon, you bastards, quit humanising Mike. Sending us mixed messages and all. Now I don’t know whether to love him or hate him. Goddammit charater arcs...
1. Whatever storyline they have for Barbara is certainly in the long game, because she has had shockingly little to do so far for such a “name” actress.
My only wish is that they keep the whole Sportsmaster is Pat’s dieting nemesis going on for as long as tenable, plotwise. Its a great running gag.
I think we’re headed towards a Beth/Rick “thing” which should be fun when she introduce him to the parents (it would be even shocking/better if the parents had a moment of “we wanted our daughter to be with a black kid...oh wait, we’re in the middle of Gabrielle Union’s Nebraska where the only other black kid, we…