
I prefer Holt being this way toward Terry as opposed to toward Boyle. When he would do it to Boyle, it really just felt like punching down. With Terry, it’s completely absurd.

Thought for sure Doug Judy and his Pontiac Gang were double-crossing Jake by having him steal the real diamonds and putting fake diamonds they brought with them into the safe.

After such a dramatic week (Bay Area resident here), I’m good with a low-key filler ep. Even how Doug Judy conned Peralta yet again was full of no-drama good vibes. And the ending was sweet.

Thanks Janet.  Sorry about the repeated comments.  I hate Kinja.

He’s 100% right this week.

The trip to the Borg ship in this episode was very weirdly edited.

I read where Chabon said that there will be no “Captain’s(or others) Logs” because narration is bad television. Honestly if there was at least some narration by Patrick Stewart this show would be A LOT better(I think it’s decent but could be better and would not call it “dumb”).  It obviously would not be a typical

So - you can kill an android by sticking a sharp object into its eye? I’m pretty sure Data would have shrugged that off...

About Discovery... see, it never made any sense on how Federation AI designed to find a peaceful solution or minimise needless losses of life came up with the idea of exterminating everyone.
It was never explained nor did ‘Control’ offer any viable explanation. You could see the writers ignorance seeping in.

Also why

It feels to me like a twenty-something and thirty-something showrunning crew, pitched the project really excitedly, infected everyone with their enthusiasm, (this show is enthusiastic if nothing else), got the project off the ground, and then came up with a lot of cool tech-progressions to the Star Trek Universe and

There are plenty of Star Trek stories that do not hold up for more than five minutes, plenty of episodes that make little to no sense. But that was 45 minutes, and next week there would be something else entirely. Picard is so disappointing, because it keeps coming back every week to a storyline that as, bit by bit,

Okay, either I’m really confused or I missed something. “Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a large Dutch oven (at least 6 quarts), combine the chicken, about three quarters of the rice, and the chicken stock." Why only three quarters of the rice or did I miss what you do with the rest of it?

It makes no sense.
Trek has an opportunity to mash this ‘AI is going to inevitably kill us all, or we will destroy AI because we fear it/don’t understand it’ nonsense into oblivion once and for all.

Returning empathy to cosmos by killing trillions?
How does that make any sense whatsoever? That’s no way to achieve

Not only is it a beyond-tired trope (as I said regarding an earlier episode, it’s a trope that was recognised as exhausted by SF writers as early as the 1930s), it’s a fundamentally bigoted one.

I think the review are harsh but basically fair. I’m enjoying the show more than Zack, but everything he cites as a problem is pretty much legit. The story is being told very sloppily.

I didn’t play ME and I just learned about this, but it fits.

or if they’re going to kill him off next week and then continue forward in his memory.

‘Raffi says “I love you.” What? When? Why?’

I REALLY hate how they took Mass Effect story-line and transposed it here.
For one thing, Trek should be BETTER than that because Gene Roddenberry Federation is exactly based on the premise that Humanity TRANSCENDED current problems and limitations (which it initially did) and Gene (among other people) understood that