
I do enjoy a good trolling header pic choice.

I’m not denying the possibility.  But for right now, with nothing to go on, I’m going to trust the journalists to do their jobs.

No resolutions. Know what I did last night? I watched an episode of Baskets where Louis Anderson in drag made me cry, and then I went and finished motherfucking The Sorrows of Young Werther. I’m killing it.

We don’t fucking censor, man. Plus the title is original to the British series.

Read more books. I was an English major and was so burnt out by the time I graduated that I haven’t read anything longer than 15 pages since 2010. Been working on The Blood Meridian for 6 months, but can never commit to more than 20 pages at a time once every other week, typically backtracking trying to remember where

Because “arrogance and confidence bolstered by a society that defends and empowers them” definitely isn’t a common trait of sexual predators.

Hey Bad Janet, call me.

Politics Corner - The Racist Elf Calling the Pot Kettle Black, Which He Thinks is Bad, Because He is Racist. Jeff Sessions undid an Obama-era DOJ directive that federal prosecutors should ‘deprioritize’ cases against people following state laws. This includes dispensaries providing both medical and recreational pot,

Seeing women as nothing more than a collection of tits and legs seems fairly misogynistic to me. If specificity is your desire though, would you prefer we say, “Woody Allen disdains and dehumanizes women”?

I heard the “I ain’t afraid of no gays” in Ray Parker Jr’s voice in my head as I read that line.

This is veering towards the weird creepy thought police kind of stuff rather than an actual article about Woody Allen assaulting someone. I don’t like Allen and at this point I believe him to be guilty, but what is the value here?

He muses about sexually coercing his co-stars, and in fiction, he seems obsessed with tits and legs to the exclusion of everything else. Its hard to shake the feeling that he sees few redeeming qualities for women outside of their attractiveness.

Misogyny doesn’t start at rape or violent assault. The definition might strictly be “hatred of women” but that’s not effectively, in the context of life, what it means. I’ve seen people try to pull this shit before with other social change:

Max rang true to me, too. Her tomboyishness felt genuine, not affected.

“You’re pretty cute, you know that?” — Dustin

Darts lack of flower mouth-face in his young form made this believable to me. Made sense that Will is the one to get it before the others.

I thought the kids were a bit blase about the creature at first given their experiences in the previous season, but I guess I can buy that they at first didn’t know it was a sci-fi creature.

Things I liked about this episode: