Joshua W.K.

Says the guy whose high water comedy mark is an Adam Sandler movie reference.

He actually mentioned this a while ago on the Heat DVD extras.

Comes packaged with a beer and a bag of frozen pees.

Also his name is a combination of Odin (supreme God) and Kirk (supreme space commander).

Bob Odenkirk is amongst my favorite humans ever. Right up there with, say….Helen Keller. But not quite on par with an Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln probably wasn't even very funny. I could see Helen Keller being a laugh riot, though. Depending on the situation.



Took my nephew and little brother to see Interpol on Friday and to see Mad Max on Saturday. Good shit… ^_^
Oh, and DO believe the hype about Mad Max. As a huge fan of Road Warrior I was expecting a lot, and I was fucking blown away.
Movie of the year so far. Without a doubt, see it on the big screen.

…."they goddamn don't understand that, and they goddamn don't understand me. But people………they understands monkeys."

The fundamental problem with your viewing of this film is drug related…i.e., it's awesome when ur fucked up. It is best viewed by becoming ONE with it. Preferably by projecting this film into the woods during the summer solstice whilst embarking in a bacchanal with like minded pagans, real or imagined.
Togas optional.

Dat drunkin skeleton though!
So this dead guy, after getting pissed from an EMPTY (or was it water?) wine bottle that reminded him of what it was like to be drunk when he was ALIVE, his bony cheeks getting flush from phantom Night Train and slurring his speech begins chanting: "UUUnicorn…..UUUUUnicorn" over and over


Every time I pop this DVD in, I feel the same as that little kid sitting on his bed getting ready to learn guitar lessons from Matt Berry…"Fuck Yeah". Then I alternate between smiling from ear to ear and shaking my head in disbelief for the next few hours.

If you don't find Andy Daly's gleefully inappropriate characters funny than you are most likely a sociopath with several dead dogs in your garage.
If you DO find Andy Daly's gleefully inappropriate characters funny than you most likely exhibit the Nietzschean tendency akin to laughter representing emotions that have

Caught the show early on Hulu. It's as dark and funny as you would hope. Not quite as gleefully inappropriate as his various podcast incarnations, but hey, it's basic cable…not the V.F.W Hall in Death Valley, California. Where "those auditions are gonna be……strenuous. Those girls are NOT gonna like it."

Harold Ramis was the creator/writer of the most infinitely watchable comfort food films of all time. My childhood thanks you, good sir. You were the big toe of a comedy golden age.

Bob Odenkirk is amongst my favorite humans ever. Not quite on par with Abraham Lincoln but right up there with, say, Helen Keller. I bet Lincoln wasn't even very funny. I could see Helen Keller being a laugh right though. Depending on the situation.

And as everyone knows, facts by their very definition are changing all the time.

Could this be a Franconian attempt at cringe humor?
Oh, and in a 2009 Salon.com piece Werner Herzog stated that he had never seen Taxi Driver.

Wow. Big fat F. That's rare.