Joshua W.K.


This sounds almost identical to her cotton commercial. I am not being a smart ass. This sounds one hell of a lot like her COMMERCIAL for the PRODUCT of COTTON. Why in the hell do people listen to this crap and why in the hell does COTTON need a commercial? 
i'm gonna say hell again HELL.

Best Hip-Hop album I've heard in years. It shines.

Best Hip-Hop album I've heard in years. It shines.

Wearing a body part symbol on a body part is about as farcical as you can get. Like getting a tattoo of the middle finger on your ankle.

I'm missing the "crackier" Volta sound. Can't wait till they finally release the LUNARFREEBASONARY basement tapes.

Clearly Don Lapre was the wind beneath their wings.

This is what happens when people watch Tim & Eric and say, "Hey! That's easy…I can do that shit…", but with absolutely no thought or philosophy behind it…like Odd Futures music in general.

I do it for the children…

The audio/visual equivalent of chewing on tin foil while watching an old Pat Benetar video.
Having said that, I immediately realize that describing it as such would probably sell thousands of copies in Williamsburg alone…
So I'm forced to follow up by stating that I don't like it.

Not usually my cup of tea, but I heard "Genesis" and was absolutely enchanted. I've got a total musical crush on Ms. Boucher and want to have her babies.

Tim & Eric meets Gentleman Broncos meets shitty rap…..
That about sums it up i think.

I'm surprised there weren't more votes for the horrors. I loved that record. 

One of my ex girlfriends shoved a dildo up the singers ass years ago while they were on tour…..true story. 

Sooo bizarre! I recently ordered the original Zelda from Amazon and finished beating the first quest yesterday for the first time. Then today I come across this article! Weird…Anyhoo I totally agree that this game stands the test of time, and it is much more difficult than I expected.
Being the kind of gamer that MUST